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  1. wanabesalt

    1 pc10,000k/actinic verses/3-20 w 50/50

    okay i tryed out 3.....20 watt coralife sun and reef 50/50 on my 20 gallon long tank which is only 10 inch,s deep seem to work alright...............i have coco dusters feather dusters,sponges.1 small clam, fire scallop and one with ridges........i also have dif polps,daisy polps,red...
  2. wanabesalt

    new lightbulb!!?

    off topic......... :happy: gfk that avitar is a guitarist and bass player
  3. wanabesalt

    new lightbulb!!?

    nice sun coral dont know if i could have those .........dont have enough watts.
  4. wanabesalt

    new lightbulb!!?

    when i first got the clams they were about 1/2 inch long you could barely see them and today one shell looks wavey or ridges........................
  5. wanabesalt

    new lightbulb!!?

    i have 3 bulbs total of 60 watts and yes the clams are growing ...they are only3/4 of a inch long.
  6. wanabesalt

    new lightbulb!!?

    the coralife 50/50 bulbs work great i have 3 of them on my 20 gallon long coco dusters, feather dusters and polyps. even 2 clams,nudibranches,and red tree coral are all growing.
  7. wanabesalt

    Tank help

    are the lights too close to the salt water do you have a canopy does the heat escape you need a canopy to get the lights away from the water. "do you have a glass top" that only holds the heat in like a green house...........for your new lights you need to get feet for them that...
  8. wanabesalt

    Where can I get a 20G High Wood Canopy

    in process of makeing a 20 gallon high canopy wasnt to bad makeing the 20 gallon long work i have a 20 gallon high tank that i used for a pattern to make the 20 gallon long canopy whould be easyer to make it smaller..........
  9. wanabesalt

    home made canopy...20 gallon long

    i was running two reef and sun fluoresent bulbs ..for a 20 gallon long tank and the tank was getting way to hot so i got the idea to make a canopy with out a top so i could put the 2 fluoresent bulbs...reef/sun on top of the open canopy.....on the top of the canopy i made a ledge for the...
  10. wanabesalt

    2 scarlet hermit crabs in one shell now only one

    well the first one died ooohhh no and when i went to look another one came out . i guess the second one killed the first one so now only one hermit crab per shell.
  11. wanabesalt

    clear green brain with tubes inside

    yea they are so small the size of a pea and the clear one is a little bigger polyps are in clusters to......from what i see the the hole opens and closes i guess each polyp. i thought polps were individual..a single polyp
  12. wanabesalt

    clear green brain with tubes inside

    i have a clear green brain and a clear brain attached to some live rock .......they both have tubes in side with holes coming from the tube to the out side does any body know what they might be.
  13. wanabesalt

    from fresh to salt

    today i sold all my fish from my fresh water 60 gallon turning in to a reef tank ........i have been into reef tanks only about 6 weeks and still learning. what all do i need to set up my 60 gallon tank, how much live sand do i need and how much live rock. how much water flow...
  14. wanabesalt

    cureing live rock..suprise..dime size coral

    the one piece of live rock has these dime size corals on it .........wish i hade my camera...... they have fins on them starting from the middle and working out wards..does any body no what they are and the live rock is almost cured :notsure:
  15. wanabesalt

    white body red striped worm

    is this worm good or bad........i was looking in the live sand and a worm came out of the sand it is white with red stripes and two fealers on its head .....i didnt have my camera ready so maybe some one knows what this worm is. :notsure:
  16. wanabesalt

    need back pack or skimmer

    okay i emailed you sounds good
  17. wanabesalt

    need back pack or skimmer

    any one selling a back pack or a skimmer ......i will be useing it on a 20 gallon long tank let me know ......
  18. wanabesalt

    need lighting for 20 g..long tank

    spoonbig21 yes i am interested...ya know soon as possible and how much for the lighting. email me at
  19. wanabesalt

    need lighting for 20 g..long tank

    im interested but how much do you want and what is the length of it you have a picture of it .....let me know.
  20. wanabesalt

    need lighting for 20 g..long tank

    what lighting whould be good for a 20 gallon long tank i have feather dusters and coco dusters..the xanias arnt doing to well the tank is only 11 inchs deep.......any help whould be great and if you have any lighting for this tank let me know.