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  1. jsb

    Where can I go to identify...

    Yes it is, and thanks I will.
  2. jsb

    feeding a scooter blenny

    I tried training a scooter due to being new to the hobby as well. The store wouldn't take him back. I had pods all over my tank glass, so I wasn't real worried about it, but my tank is a 37gal, and the pods couldn't be replenished fast enough (at least that was my assumption). I tried hard to...
  3. jsb

    Where can I go to identify...

    It's green. It looks like little balls of short hair. I tried plucking it at first, but it's getting worse. I've done to many things different recently to tell what caused it. I changed to Oceanic Salt, but it's been a while since that, I'm trying some new food (I didn't check for...
  4. jsb

    Where can I go to identify...

    different types of Algae. I've got an out break in my 2 year old tank. It doesn't grow in the sand, but on my rock. Thanks!
  5. jsb

    what size tank

    I'd say go with a 75gal. I'm constantly looking for a bargain on a 75gal. I've got a 37gal, and I'm always fighting algea one way or another. I would think this would be less of a issue with a larger body of water.
  6. jsb

    PC replacements

    I'm needing to replace my PC bulbs. I was wondering if I needed to replace the antic bulb as well. Thanks!
  7. jsb

    Hang On Protein Skimmers

    I've only had an Aqua C Remora and it's a about 18 months old and still skimming away.
  8. jsb

    Is there a reason for six month?

    Is there a particular reason to replace bulbs for PCs every 6 to 8 months? I've read replace them before the burn out, but what about intensity? Do they fade or get less bright as they age. I've got a PC setup and I'm on my 8th month of use. They're on for about 9 hours a day. Could I buy a...
  9. jsb

    Weekend project is about done. need to choose a finish

    That's okay man. That's too bad you had to sell it. That was an awesome setup. Hopefully you were compensated well for such a great build. You take care!
  10. jsb

    Weekend project is about done. need to choose a finish

    Wow, what a move. From one coast to the other. My buddy did that last year. It was work related. Good Luck with your move, and post up when you get settled. Thanks for the update.
  11. jsb

    Adding to Hospital Tank

    Hey Beth, What if you only have one fish getting it? Should you still treat all the fish. I have this one that keeps getting it from time to time, but the others don't seem to get it.
  12. jsb

    Can you handle another ick treatment question??? please!

    I've been dealing with this as well. I've got a Flame Angel that gets the spots every once in a while. None of my other fish have been infected. I set up a QT. I also did a water change on the display and used that water in the QT. I also added fresh water as well with the correct amount of...
  13. jsb

    "yellow" watchman goby

    I'm not sure, but I've read where they can turn more gray as they age. I'd like confirmation on that though. Mine is under a year, and still bright yellow.
  14. jsb

    Weekend project is about done. need to choose a finish

    Hey Cayman Isl, Any luck finding those pics? Thanks, JSB
  15. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    Okay I'm beginning to go a little crazy. I got home after work with the QT, and checked on the FA. Not a spot on him. Is it going to be another 4 to 5 days? Should I setup the QT and wait for them to attack again, or put him in now?
  16. jsb

    Painting a room with a tank

    I did it a while back. Painted walls and ceiling. I just covered the tank like everything else in the room.
  17. jsb

    I'm stressing here!!!

    Alright, during lunch I picked up a new QT. Setup begins tonight. :happyfish