Search results

  1. popnfrresh

    Anybody play paintball??

    Does anyone here in new jersey play paintball? If so im lookingt o get a game together in the central nj area. Anyone is invited but prefer lower grade guns. email me at
  2. popnfrresh

    calculate tank size

    cubic feet X 7.48 = gallons.
  3. popnfrresh

    Reef lighting

    I have a 28gallon bow with 130 watts of [hr] jebo lighting. I was considering purchasing another 130 watt unit. Right now i have some mushrooms and a leather coral. Would this be too much light for the tank? I dont want to put to much light on it to kill anything.
  4. popnfrresh

    Reef lighting

    I have a 28gallon bow with 130 watts of [hr] jebo lighting. I was considering purchasing another 130 watt unit. Right now i have some mushrooms and a leather coral. Would this be too much light for the tank? I dont want to put to much light on it to kill anything.
  5. popnfrresh

    filtering a chinese fish bowl

    Originally Posted by sharkbait9 honestly I may have, I can't remember. Between giving my opinion and selling my old equipment to people, I can't keep up any more. But I won't take credit for it unless I know for sure I did good or bad. In this case, I wish I could. Any way, have you gone to that...
  6. popnfrresh

    Are JEBO lights any good?

    I have a oddysea 130 24" pc light. My corals seem to grow nicely and come out( No really light intensive except for aneneme Mushrooms, and a leather coral.). Ive also kept an anenome alive for more than 1.5 years with it. Some people hate them and some love them. Ive heard complatints of fans...
  7. popnfrresh

    rose bubble tip anemone f/s in jersey

    Im interested as long as they will host with clarkii's . Please let me know. Youve also got mail.
  8. popnfrresh

    WTB NJ: 36" ,48" light. 10, 20 breeder,long.

    Need a 30 and/or 36" and/or a 48" light. Also would like a 10 breeder or a 20 long. Email me at popnfrresh - gmail . com
  9. popnfrresh

    missing anenome

    Well i feel like sh!t. My hippo tang was getting ich so i rigged my u.v. light to the tank. The inlet was in the top center of the tank and the outlet was from a powerhead. When i disassembled it today after 3 or 4 days after the ich whent away i noticed the anenome inside the uv light. I dont...
  10. popnfrresh

    Cape Coral 75 Gal. Complete Setup

    Yes where is cape coral located?
  11. popnfrresh

    IN Memory Tank

    Where would this tank be placed? Is it going in the school in a central location?
  12. popnfrresh

    Power compacts and aquarium for sale

    youve got mail.
  13. popnfrresh

    55g w/stand and other stuff for sale

    im interested in the lights and depending on how far you are i may p/u. If the prizm comes in a box im also interested. please send me an email
  14. popnfrresh

    WTB Coral Frags in North New Jersey

    I have a friend that used to sell frags. send me an email and ill see if he is still selling.
  15. popnfrresh

    missing anenome

    All of a sudden my anenome disapeered. I cannot find him in my tank. The clown that was hosting in it is now next to the other clown. Im guessing it died, but if it did wouldnt it take the whole tank with it? I have had this thing for over a year and it was growing nicely. It was growing new...
  16. popnfrresh

    Power compacts and aquarium for sale

    Ill give 70 shipped to nj 08817
  17. popnfrresh

    Stuff For Sale In Pa

    Originally Posted by FishTales1 come on people this is a steal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The yellow tangs and Bubble tip and shrimp i can get cheaper here. The purple tang is a steal though. They go for around 80 in my lfs.
  18. popnfrresh

    36" 192w PC for sale

    Maybe interested in light and anything else you have depending on model. Send me an email
  19. popnfrresh

    Burton Custom X 160 2006 SHAWN WHITE RIDE GNU 686

    SINCE i am not selling a aquarium supplies i am putting a link to my snowboard. Burton Custom X 160 2006 SHAWN WHITE RIDE GNU 686 search in moc.yabe.www Rare white bottem . excellent board.
  20. popnfrresh

    demension in to gal.???

    lxwxh in ft x 7.48 will also give you gallons