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  1. irishsalt

    Need some "light" shedded on corals please.

    Here's my nickel based on experinec(in regard to lighting). Light Penetration&Spectrum is the name of the game in the Reef* Hobby. I've Happily kept Hard Corals with just VHO(that many/some would say no way to) but they still had some die off - times, and obviously needed more light powefull...
  2. irishsalt


    Hey, Leave it on and live with it, get a better/quieter skimmer or look into more serious bio-filtration. My AquaC Remora Pro is kinda loud but it really becomes white noise. The Ammout of vile crap it removes from my lil 29g everyday is nothing short of awesome.
  3. irishsalt

    questions about a sebe clown and anemone

    Originally Posted by tngator19 Well found out that it is my clown grabing the piece of SS and taking out of the anemone. Is that normal? If not what can I do to stop it. And the funny thing is I was droping in new shells for my hermits and the clown grabed one and droped it into the anemone, is...
  4. irishsalt

    long tentacle anemone - couple of questions

    Originally Posted by Adrian Long tentacle anemones do best with a deep substrate, most of them like to burrow. You can try to dig a small hole somwhere where the current is not too intense and put its foot in and surround it with rubble to help it attach. It will move is its unhappy. HTH Ding...
  5. irishsalt

    questions about a sebe clown and anemone

    Everything people are telling you here is Kosher based on my experience. Seabae's are Hardy overall but need ALLOT of serious light IME and can be boring compared to other Anenome. Not trying to rain on your Parade but their's some awesome Anenome avaliable to Hobbyists that are more beautiful...
  6. irishsalt

    An Incredible display at a Store

    Sounds AWESOME.... We have a sick arse Bio-Park here but their Rock/reef is all fake of course. I can't imagine how much their electric and feeding bill is. As for lFS's with sick tanks. The best tank around here is a 240g reef Running VHO's and Halides that like 4 years old with no crash/s...
  7. irishsalt

    I have to VENT!!!!

    Hey man, ThankGOD you saved that Beautiful creature.... Now it's my turn to vent! I can't speak for the entire US of A or the planet for that matter. What I can speak for is most of ALbuquerque NM, Miami and San Diego IME! I've heard more bashing and crap talking about LocalFishstores since I've...
  8. irishsalt

    Light refugium 24/7?

    Hey, I've run Calpura in Many a's a weed - best that I would avoid - all costs. Tis nice thouh for feeding tangs if your gettings it for free from friends that are desperate to remove it from their TRY Cheato like like m2d2 said. Nothing personal but Calpura is crap in...
  9. irishsalt

    question about actinic bulbs...

    Hey, You'll have to elaborate... ARe you looking for lamps for standard T5/T8 Floro ballast or Compact Floros? VHO? Most Big companies whether Coralife or other(for Compact FLoro) cleary mark their Lamps 03 Actinic! Kent Marine-Glo and other Floro tubes are in the heavy Blue Spectrum but they...
  10. irishsalt

    how do i get coriline algea to grow in my tank

    Sat - I'm talking from experience. Start with Fully Cured LR that has some visible Purple and other Coraline growth to seed/cure your overall Coral growth. You will notice that a certain color of Coral growth will spread to LR that it's touching/in relative proximity. I got back into this Hobby...
  11. irishsalt


    If it's any consilation, I have a 6" Real-to-Life RicK james and a 6" real-to-life Dave Chappel in my Marine Tank. The Dave Doll tells RIck, *I'm rick James B*tch!!! Also, I've got a 15" Disco Ball and 15' of Blue LED Rope lights for Lunar action. :D
  12. irishsalt

    waterflow for anenomes ?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy ideally alternating or slightly chaotic. Lol, I love the way ya said that. It's the dang truth IME. I have a Tiny SeaBae Anenome and some other monster in my 29g right now. I just put another PowerHead in the tank and it's blasting the larger anenome and the small...
  13. irishsalt

    I just put a skimmer in tonight...????

    Originally Posted by MonaLisa I've only had my water testing supplies for about 3, maybe 4 weeks. I trust my test kit... :mad: I am really excited about my skimmer. Like I said, for now it's just a cheapo, but I'm hoping that it will make a difference. As far as that goes, when will I know that...
  14. irishsalt

    I just put a skimmer in tonight...????

    Hey Lisa, If I didn't know better, I think that this site had *Moles* in place with elaborate Horror stores, to help/eer eliminate consumers from shopping - LFS and as such, getting most/all of their buisness! THat Cynical attitude is what helps pay my Lisa - Big Congrats on...
  15. irishsalt

    anybody buy fish from

    Originally Posted by annanymous 3 threads just for this. you gotta sort out your priorities. they do deliver on saturday. it will cost extra and proly will take extra time too. one thread would have been enough for this :notsure: What he said..>.You triple poster dudes..MAN. I've been ordering...
  16. irishsalt

    How to feed anenomes

    Great Advice here.... Silversides are VERY Healhty for Meat Eating fish and Marine inverts in general. The vast majority of LFS's IME carry Frozen Silversides in their Frozen section. FYI....DT's Plakton is also awesome for Anenome IME. Peace
  17. irishsalt

    The Inevidable question: What do ya'll think of my equp for 125..

    Whaddup guys, My lady and I moving into our new home in a week. The next month is going to be freaking insane. So, I've decieded to setup two tanks in the new house. A 125g(Le-mar) tank and a 310 In wall custom. The 125 is going up asap....Here's my equp list(I've got everything but powerheads)...
  18. irishsalt

    How to change from 29g to 55g??

    Originally Posted by Blitz99 if you use your water and rock and sand i dont see why you would have to recycle at all. heck, even 2 of the 3 and you should be good. WHat he said.... To answer your question IME. How to keep the Cycle from starting over to any affect? Keep your Bio-load low for...
  19. irishsalt

    fish for sale

    You have 103 posts here so I'm not noid about ya. What Size/maturity are the fish as I'd be interested in all of them if you can ship to 87112. Thanks
  20. irishsalt

    facts about emporer angle please

    Originally Posted by ScubaDoo They require plenty of live rock with lots of hiding places and a mature tank. Water quality must be maintained steady and a good protein skimmer is required. A one hundred will work for a juvenile but not for an adult Emperor...not enough room. They require...