Search results

  1. avacyn

    nitrites revisited (tap water)

    I went out tonight and bought a new test kit from a different company. Want to guess the results? No nitrites or nitrates. I should have known my tank was doing ok as the anenome is growing. <breathes heavy sigh of relief>. I have an appointment tomorrow after I get off work to have my...
  2. avacyn

    do copepods need light?

    I don't think they need much light. I have them living on my filter pads inside my closed filter canister. They seem happy. When I change the pads, they get dumped in the tank and the fish gobble them down. Avacyn <STRONG>newbie type question alert! I have a 75G FOWLR tank, and minimal...
  3. avacyn

    nitrites revisited (tap water)

    My LFS doesn't sell RO water. I checked. The only real advice they've able to give me was to avoid using Reef Crystal as opposed to Instant Ocean because of the high phosphate content of the water where I live. However, someone gave me a name of a guy who has 9 tanks and said I might be able...
  4. avacyn

    Caulerpa question!

    All green photosynthetic plants release CO2 and take in O2 during the dark cycle of photosynthesis. The dark cycle happens when they aren't recieving light -night- which is why it is called the dark cycle. During the light cycle food is created from sunlight. During the dark cycle the plant...
  5. avacyn

    nitrites revisited (tap water)

    Thanks again for all your help. Something someone said in reply to my earlier post made me think to check the water from the source. I've been using the tap water that I've treated with amquel and then allowed to sit for 24 or more hours to top off the tank or for water changes. I tested the...
  6. avacyn

    Nitrite Problem

    I cycled with 15 pounds and added another 10 about the same time the damsel went in. (Had to wait until the only local pet shop got more in.) I've been feeding a block of frozen brine shrimp about the size of my fingernail twice a day with a piece of frozen invert food the same size once a day...
  7. avacyn

    Nitrite Problem

    Nevermind, it's live rock. (Sometimes my brain does do something besides keep my head inflated!) Avacyn <STRONG>What is LR? Originally posted by Old Salt: I dont think you have enough LR.... (not the reason for your problem, but it would help)</STRONG>
  8. avacyn

    Nitrite Problem

    What is LR? Originally posted by Old Salt: <STRONG> I dont think you have enough LR.... (not the reason for your problem, but it would help)</STRONG>
  9. avacyn

    Nitrite Problem

    Thank you all!! My nitrites have measured zero on a couple of occasions, but I will buy a new test kit and see. A place near here will test water for free, I'm going there this weekend and have her compare. My anenome is in ok shape, I think. It's hard to tell. I've never had one before...
  10. avacyn

    Nitrite Problem

    I have a 30 gal. tank that is not quite 3 months old. It was cycled with about 40 lbs. live sand, 15 pounds of live rock and cycled in about 3 weeks. Now it houses a peppermint shrimp, a blue damsel, a scooter blenny, about 12 hermits, 5 turbo snails, a small snail that just appeared one day...