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  1. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Thanks for the help
  2. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    I agree,had those other mediums in my bio.They worked much better. Ya I got the Im Nuvo skimmer.Starting to get the hang of it.
  3. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Thanks , I finally have it set were I am getting brown water in my cup. I think it may be a bit to watery though,so I will do some more fine tuning. I am wondering about water evaporation in my bio cube it was very slow. This tank seems to need a refill every couple of days. Can I cover the back...
  4. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Well Flower I did it.Got a new nuvo aquarium....38gl. Took us about 9 hrs to get everything changed over from my bio cube. All my fish lived through the trauma.I was amazed. Been 3 weeks now still have alot of stuff floating in the tank,I now have a skimmer. I have no idea what I am doing with...
  5. johannas

    R420R LEd Lighting system

    Thanks for the reply. Turned out to be a faulty ballast Working great now. .
  6. johannas

    R420R LEd Lighting system

    Yup,will do.
  7. johannas

    R420R LEd Lighting system

    Morning. I just purchased this R420R Maxspect system It set it up 2 days ago. this morning when it can on the lights just flashed. Is it punched ??????
  8. johannas

    cony anemone

    I need to get rid of a piece of live rock. My cony anemone needs to be removed from it. Some one told me if I use an ice cube,it would let lose. is this true ?
  9. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    That would be good if my cony anemone wasn't on the same rock lol Think I will try the X again. Get some there is a whole other ball of wax. I have had shrimp several times. They do really well until they molt then they die.Shaking my head. lol
  10. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    I have used aiptasia x,at least 4 times now on the larger one.Has not done one bit of good. Sucker does not want to die.I really don't want to bring this stuff to my new tank.
  11. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Morning Flower I have a problem,hoping you can help or give me some insight. I am ready to purchase my new tank. However I have been battling with Aiptasia for a while now. I have used AiptasiaX several times and it's not working to great.I know I could remove the live rock it is on when I...
  12. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Sea Horses that's amazing.LOL,no it's not a prison sentence.I am loving my tank. Guess that's why the bigger one.Kind of addicting lol. Thanks so much for your input.
  13. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Thank youFlower. How long have you been doing the salt water thing? Been 2 years for me now.
  14. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Thanks so much for the info.Not sure yet what size I will get. I have limited space.Hopefully 50-60 gal. I have to say the Bio Cube was a great starter for me.I learned alot from it. Now I guess I will have to watch out and not add to big of a fish or my little guys will be eaten lol.
  15. johannas

    Ready for a bigger tank.

    Hi Iam thinking of getting a bigger tank.My 29g Bio cube is doing well,but i would like some more fish of course. What would be the best way to move stuff over. New water first and cycle or old water first with everything in it and add new water after ?
  16. johannas


    No they are recent arrivals,in the last 8 months. Shrimp died before that.
  17. johannas


    Water temp is one of my most annoying issues with my Bio Cube. Played and played with my heater.Just recently have managed to keep it at 78 degrees. Now that summer is coming, I will be having to really watch what it is doing.
  18. johannas


    My temperature,could very well have been the issue. It runs between 77- 85,in the summer.That is when I lift the lid. Can't afford a chiller. So I guess my best bet is lots of snails and hermits.
  19. johannas


    My cleaner shrimp molted 3 times before it died. My blood shrimp 2x's What is their life expectancy ? Cold the FS be selling oldies ? I agree Flower.I never have put anything chemical in my tank. Thanks for the replies guys.
  20. johannas


    water change every 2 weeks. I add no suppliments to my tank. Prefer to keep things as natural as possible.