Search results

  1. kung fu

    ReefCon 2000

    Bit of an odd question here, but does anyone know where I might be able to get a copy of the software program ReefCon 2000? (ReefCon is a full featured aquarium maintainence, logging, control, and reference software package.) The software company, Infinitysoft seems to be no more (their...
  2. kung fu

    LR - Have shipped or buy local?

    Thanks hounddog...I think that the 90lbs. to 110 gal. is a decent ratio to start. Actually is sold out of all their LR...however I found a very reputable online dealer that came highly recommended from a couple of university marine departments - which is the .com that has the pricing I...
  3. kung fu

    LR - Have shipped or buy local?

    Well at this point I was planning on building a solid base out of lace rock and then doing an 'ampitheater' style wall up from that base in live rock. I think the 90lbs. will be more than enough to start the seems that a lot of people are leaning more towards the '2lbs.' of the '1 to...
  4. kung fu

    DIY tank stand for 125

    I found a place on the 'net a while back that has some really nice plans for a stand for a 135 gal reef tank. Can't post the url here but you could e-mail me for it... Peace...
  5. kung fu

    LR - Have shipped or buy local?

    Thanks for the input everyone! I'll be buying the first batch of 90lbs. from the online retailer and then adding from the local stock. Appreciate all the comments!!! Peace.. :)
  6. kung fu

    LR - Have shipped or buy local?

    (Thanks for the input so far...) I was going with the 1lb. to 1 gal. guideline for the most part (would 135lb be too much?) The online supplier also lists their rock as '100% cured.' (At least with this Fiji selection I'm looking at). Is there further curing that would be required (not much on...
  7. kung fu

    LR - Have shipped or buy local?

    Hi there! I'm getting ready to set up a 110 gal. reef tank, and was wanting advice on getting my live rock locally (aka the pet shop on the corner) or getting it FedEx'd overnight. Example: 90lbs. of Fiji LR from a reputable online retailer would run about $285 (that includes shipping)...
  8. kung fu

    Anyone recommend a decent reef magazine?

    Hi there! Can anyone recommend a good reef magazine/periodical that would be worthwhile getting a subscription to?(Print media...not necessarily online mags)... I've considered Aquarium Fish and Tropical Fish Hobbyist...anything else out there? Thanks! Peace...
  9. kung fu

    Plenum Questions

    Thanks for the welcome! (I've been planning on getting into reef tanks for a good year now so I'm really excited to get my tank this week!) So...from reading up on all utilizing a plenum AND a deep sand bed (as well as possibly adding a photosynthesis undertank sump system down the...
  10. kung fu

    Plenum Questions

    Hi there...I'm an real newbie to reef systems so please bear with the silly questions! I'm currently working with my local reef store and am setting up my first reef tank. With their suggestion we are going with a plenum set up. What is a DSB? (Is this the other style of 'natural filter...