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  1. foundanemo


    I was wondering if would be beneficial to have a sump on my 46 gal bow front. I was wondering because i have a 10 gal just sitting in the basement. I am slowly learning about this hobby am going to venture in to coral before long.
  2. foundanemo

    Anemone dieing

    I got it at my lfs here in ohio. the guy at the store as i know is an idiot did not even know what kind it was. i guess i will have to go with a bta after i get my water levels corrected. i just purchesed new lights a week ago 2x150 Mh from current outer orbit with blue and white moon lighting...
  3. foundanemo

    Anemone dieing

    Does anyone know what is wrong with my anemone? this is my first anemone I think it is sick or something :scared: water perimeters are tank is 8 months old gravity 1.021 low but fixing cal 400 trite .25 trate 10 amonnia 0 posphate .25 ph 8.2-8.3 top picture is what he looked like when i got him...
  4. foundanemo

    Identify this anemone?

    lets see if these are a little better?
  5. foundanemo

    Identify this anemone?

    here are some more pics it puffed up some more.
  6. foundanemo

    Identify this anemone?

    can anyone id this anemone for me? Thanks
  7. foundanemo


    does it have to be live sand?
  8. foundanemo

    PC lighting

    thanks for the help everyone i got the MH Im so broke :scared:
  9. foundanemo


    I was wondering if i could add more sand to my tank after it is already established for 6 months. My current sand bed is 1 1/2" deep i feel it should be deeper I have a 46gal bowfront.
  10. foundanemo

    PC lighting

    i am wondering because i have two false perculas and they look a little lonely. so i want to get them an anemone to give them a chance at maybe hosting however slim a chance it may be. :happyfish i want to know also because i can get 4x 96 pc for around $400 or 2x150 MH for $60 dallors more...
  11. foundanemo

    PC lighting

    does anyone have a bta under pc lighting? If so what kind of light k rating and watts. would appreicate so help having a hard time figuring out what lighting i want to get.
  12. foundanemo

    USA Current Lighting?

    thanks alot everyone :hilarious
  13. foundanemo

    USA Current Lighting?

    wouldnt mind some advice please.
  14. foundanemo

    USA Current Lighting?

    does anyone have Current USA SunPod Metal Halide i am trying to get feedback on it because i might get one.
  15. foundanemo


    yeah probably thinking anemone there. my conchs are only a little biger than 2 inches. but clownfish will rub themselves in some anemones.
  16. foundanemo

    What are the Best lights?

    would 300 watts 6.5 wpg be enought to get a BTA in my 46 bow front :notsure:
  17. foundanemo

    Base rock

    Travis it says i can't get your email through your profile. my email is :joy:
  18. foundanemo

    Base rock

    Does anyone know where I can buy base rock online.
  19. foundanemo


    I have two queen conchs in my 46 bow front. They are good in my tank they have already grown some after about two months. Man do they love there algae!! :happyfish