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  1. sduerk

    How am I supposed to do this?????

    I believe I put a fish in my main display tank that had Ick...Yellow Tang. I quarantined him when I noticed it but he eventually died. Now my blue hippo has what I believe is ick so it's obviously in my main display (reef) tank. So how do I treat the tank that has corals in it. I am...
  2. sduerk

    How long did it take your fish....

    well that's not encouraging. My main interest from the start of this hobby was to have clowns in an anemone.
  3. sduerk

    How long did it take your fish....

    How long did your clownfish take before they "took" to your bubble tip anemone? I know they see him and he's been in the tank for around two weeks now.
  4. sduerk


    thanks for replying. I had no idea that leopards got as big as they do until I started reading posts on them last night. What are you going to do with them when they get too big for your tank?
  5. sduerk

    what do you feed a blue mandarin?

    I've heard of LFS's suggesting that you can feed these fish but everything I've read is that you do not. They live off of the creatures that live in mature tanks called amphipods and copepods. These are small crustaceans that are in and on your LR/LS from the size smaller than fleas up....
  6. sduerk


    What size tank is your Leopard tank? Do you have a website up where I could take a look at it more? I believe I remember you had some pictures up on the construction once.
  7. sduerk

    please look at this real quick...

    well i took a real close look at it with a very bright flash light and it looks like it starts behind his gills and continues about 2/3 of the way to his tail and stops. It does not look like the tissue underneath has been exposed but he is still covered in ick. when i had the light on him you...
  8. sduerk

    please look at this real quick...

    no i can't but it's a solid white line across his entire body. Almost looks like it's supposed to be there. I want to start to acclimitate him back into the display tank but don't want to introduce anything.
  9. sduerk

    please look at this real quick...

    My yellow tang has been in quarantine for almost two weeks now and is now showing a very pronounced white stripe down the length of his body. What is this and should I be concerned. It has become more white for the last couple of days but is now Very white. Someone in the other forum said it...
  10. sduerk

    clownfish jumping out of tank

    my biggest clown just jumped out of the tank the other night. Strangest thing.
  11. sduerk

    please look at this real quick...

    My yellow tang has been in quarantine for almost two weeks now and is now showing a very pronounced white stripe down the length of his body. What is this and should I be concerned. It has become more white for the last couple of days but is now Very white.
  12. sduerk

    if it's not ick then what??

    I've read about the garlic soaking but exactly how do you go about that and with what food and where do I get the garlic?
  13. sduerk

    if it's not ick then what??

    My yellow tang had what looked like ick. I took him out, put him in quarantine, and for the last week and a half nothing. No white spots and really the only time i saw those was in my display tank. What else could it be because I want to get him back into the display tank.
  14. sduerk

    Is this possible

    to what temp would I raise it and once again, what else other than ick could it be? and how would I treat that?
  15. sduerk

    Is this possible

    I'm not doing hypo with the shrimp in the qt. I was going to let him do his thing and then hypo. And how do I know the difference between ick and whatever else you think it is?
  16. sduerk

    What Is That???

    Well the tube is about 1 1/2 inches in length and sort of curved back around on itself. the creature that sticks itself barely out of the hard tube/shell looks like it has two antenna like on a snail. When I stoop to look at it it ducks it's head back in. The tube is white with sections...
  17. sduerk

    What Is That???

    after rearranging the rocks in my reef I found what looked like a worm attached to one of the rocks with "mucas" coming from it's mouth. I figured it was dead but the tube was more like a hard shell and there was indeed some sort of creature inside. now, surrounding his "tube" is something...
  18. sduerk

    Is this possible

    Two days ago I looked at my relatively new yellow tang and he was covered in ick. I assume this was ick by the descriptions that I've read on this site, but I have never seen ick for sure before. Anyway, he was covered in what looked like salt. I placed him in my qt with my cleaner shrimp and...
  19. sduerk

    Hey Sharks..

    Please take a look at my post...Niger in a reef and give me your input.
  20. sduerk

    Niger in a reef

    He is very small though. YOu think he will bother/eat the shrimp even though he is half the size?