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  1. reefcrazy

    Man !!! Check this out !

    i have a ten gallon nano and go to that site every once in a wile there's some one there with a half a gallon nano. here's a pic of my nano with a refuge.
  2. reefcrazy

    what is a ball valve.

    i was wondering what it is and what it does.
  3. reefcrazy

    mag 7 to noisy

    that is how i have it, look at the picture it is two inches off the floor and none of the pipes are rubbing against notting. i can here the pump in the hole bussing sound in the hole apartment. is that normal. if it is i'll just have to get another pump, i'm noise sencetive
  4. reefcrazy

    i got my over flow going but to much bubbles

    well you can see how much bubbles i get on the first picture it makes so many bubbles it acts like a skimmer. ok in the other two pictures you can see the pipe work on the second one that last l pipe has a straight pipe going up to the over flow box let me know were you tink the problem is at.
  5. reefcrazy

    mag 7 to noisy

    ok it's been running for about a hour and it makes to much noise, if i stand next to the tank i can feel the floor vibrate is this normal or will this problem go away with time.
  6. reefcrazy

    i got my over flow going but to much bubbles

    i got over flow going and now i get to many bubbles. the bubbles start building up at the over flow box where they go to the sump and build up more bubbles and come back the return as real small bubbles any suggestions on getting rid of them.
  7. reefcrazy

    new over flow not working.

    ok i bought a over flow at lfs and when i got home it didn't have instructions. i called lfs and they told me it was rated at 500gph. i bought a mag7 that pumps water up 4 1/2 feet up, that would be like 450 gph. i get the pump going but over doesn't work. any suggestions also the u tube on my...
  8. reefcrazy

    new over flow not working.

    ok i bought a over flow at lfs and when i got home it didn't have instructions. i called lfs and they told me it was rated at 500gph. i bought a mag7 that pumps water up 4 1/2 feet up, that would be like 450 gph. i get the pump going but over doesn't work. any suggestions also the u tube on my...
  9. reefcrazy

    over flow how to make it work.

    ok i bought a over flow at lfs and when i got home it didn't have instructions. i called lfs and they told me it was rated at 500gph. i bought a mag7 that pumps water up 4 1/2 feet up, that would be like 450 gph. i get the pump going but over doesn't work. any suggestions also the u tube on my...
  10. reefcrazy

    ? about mag 7 pump

    is the mag 7 pump external or does it have to be in the water. i was recomended the mag 7 by some one but i not sure if it's external and that's what i'm looking for.
  11. reefcrazy

    mag drive pumps

    were can i get them in chicago with lfs or can i get it i a store like hd
  12. reefcrazy

    new over flow what pump should i get.

    what was i thinking when i wrote 50 no is 500gph. i think it's a cpr over flow since the one they had on display had a cpr sticker in it, but mine don't. well here's a few pics of the over flow and sump. the sump is from cpr model cy192 with a build in skimmer. well let me know on that pump.
  13. reefcrazy

    new over flow what pump should i get.

    ok the u tube is 1in and 1/8 inner diameter. any adeas of gph
  14. reefcrazy

    new over flow what pump should i get.

    i just got my self a over flow that my lfs had on special. they told me is good for 50 gph. now the pump will be sitting on the buttom and has to pump the water 5 feet up to get to the tank. does any one recomend any good pump.
  15. reefcrazy

    How to add calcium???

    i suggest you add the liquid cal for you tanks.
  16. reefcrazy

    13w pc lighting go here and you'll find it in all the way in the buttom of the pc light bulbs. also it's a two pin connection.
  17. reefcrazy

    I'm looking for a women who is a reefer

    hey smell fishy this two girls want to meat you. they don't have a tank yeat but they like your smelly name.
  18. reefcrazy

    I'm looking for a women who is a reefer

    here's a cool pic of my skimmer. Sorry dude - that's no skimmer ;) Broomer5
  19. reefcrazy

    10 gallon reef help!

    it's a small clam, it depends more on phyto than light as of right now, when it get's a little bigger i'll trow it in my other tank.
  20. reefcrazy

    10 gallon reef help!

    hey i also have a ten gallon nano check it out. as of right now it has 25p of live sand, 15p of live rock, 9 blue leg hermits, 1 snail, some mushrooms, one colt coral and one small clam not shure what tipe it was given to me. it has a two gallon refuge that i'm still tring to get some macro...