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  1. teog

    tang Vs red blotches

    Hey I have a computerless friend that I have a question for. She has a yellow tang which developed red blotches within the last two days. She also has two perc clowns which seem fine. I dont know what the water is like, she will have it tested today. I know that she feeds flake food and dried...
  2. teog

    When should they eat?

    I bought a small yellow tang and a perc clown fish yesterday. The LFS told me to feed them some frozen herbavoire stuff. Ive tried feeding them twice now and they wont eat. I also gave some carnivoire pellets to the clown but nothing. Can these fish with stand moderate current in my reef tank?
  3. teog

    cleaning magnets

    Does anyone use cleaning magnets? If so which brands work best for a 90 gallon FO?
  4. teog

    hydrothruster pump?

    Has anyone heard of filtronics water pumps. I bought an hydrothruster 1050 and one side already stopped working? Are they good pumps? Are little giant pumps good? Im interested in little giant 5, if my hydrothruster is replaced. [ September 27, 2001: Message edited by: teog ]
  5. teog

    damsel in distress

    I need help big time! I have a 90 gallon fo tank that has been set up for 1 and a half weeks. I have in it 2 blue damsels, 2 domino damsels, and 2 3 striped damsels. The three stripped seem to be the less aggresive of the damsels I have. The tanks tempature due to overheating lighting got up...
  6. teog

    prizm not skimming

    As you all probably know I got a clean up package this past weekend. Also I got some soft coral. All is doing great. The critters have eaten all the brown algea right up. I have two questions: 1)Since my clean up grew, my prizm isnt skimming at all. Is this normal? 2)I recieved a big emeral...
  7. teog

    Calcium buffers

    the reason they suggested it was because my ph was low. Im not sure the actual ph. But my ph test fine now. Should I stop using it?
  8. teog

    activated carbon

    Yes it is on. Should I turn it off?
  9. teog

    critter help

    I need some quick advise. Ealier this week per my LFS I put some frozen shrimp in some panty hose in my 29 gallon tank to catch a crab. The shrimps were in there for 2 days and then I removed them. My tank currently has no fish in it due to my clowns dying earlier this week. The problem is my...
  10. teog

    activated carbon

    I have a 90 gallon tank that has been set up for one week today. Its going to be fish only. I currently have 6 damsels in for the cycle period. I have a wet/dry with protien skimmer. I also have 2 canister filters ( 1 mechnical, 1 chemical). My questions is should I put carbon in the...
  11. teog

    reef safe angel

    Are there any reef safe dwarf angels? I was considering a bicolor or coral beauty (once i verify my water is safe).
  12. teog

    Calcium buffers

    I was told by a LFS that I should dose with "kent marine" tech cb calcium buffer everyday. Is this true? And thanks for evryones help!
  13. teog

    died clown

    No heater in my tank. The tank stays at 77 degree's. The nitrites increased after I added the fish. However 5 days later I had the water tested again and back down to 0. Thanks anyways.
  14. teog

    died clown

    Well both of my percula clowns are died. I tested he water yesterday at LFS and everyhting is perfect. The only thing a little high is phospates and they are near to none now. could high phosphates kill the clowns? When I added them in 2weeks ago they seemed healthy and fine. My nitrites...
  15. teog

    help PLEASE

    I came home tonight and found one of my percula clown fish died. The other one seems fine but is dull colored. As mentioned before nitrates/nitrites are fine but phosphate high. Could this kill the fish? Also my LFS sold me two day ago "kent marine" tech cb calcium buffer. I have part a and...
  16. teog

    Just bragging

    I finaly got my 90 gallon custom show tank installed/hooked up/ up and running. When I get pictures Ill post. This tank will be aggressive. My LFS just got a golden tail morey, Its awesome. They still also have the cortez puffer. He is so neat looking too. I wish they would hold them for me...
  17. teog

    high phosphates

    My red algae is going down since the use of phosguard. According to my LFS my nitrites and amonia are fine. I just have high phospahtes. Could high phosphates cause red algae? When they tested the phosphates the water was blueish purple, but no nitrites/nitrates. They said I should buy some...
  18. teog

    Shrimp compatibility

    Would pepermint shrimp, scarlet shrimp and coral banded shrimp get along in a 29 gallon semi-reef?
  19. teog

    golden tail morey

    How big do they get? Zebra sized or Snow flake, etc? What can I feed her/him if I buy?
  20. teog

    golden tail morey

    Is there a difference between golden tail and just gold morey eels? Are the golded tail moreys aggresive or passive? Thanks