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  1. teog

    Florida Aquaculture Live Rock

    Any body there?Please help!
  2. teog

    Florida Aquaculture Live Rock

    I went and got my water tested the roof phospate reading's. The LFS said this is the cause of my red aglae. Is this true? He sold me on some stuff called "phosguard." Whats interesing is that my water tested great initialy with 25 lbs of figi rock. But then I added another 15lbs...
  3. teog

    reb/brown algae outbreak..Help!

    In the last two days i have had a red algae out break. I know my nitriate were a little high on saturday and I changed 5 gallon of water. I have 29g 40lbs of LR 40lbs LS. 2 clowns and 4 snails. My tanks is been up for about 3weeks now. After my fist week I tested the water and the LFS said...
  4. teog

    lil critters

    I have the 29g semi reef(LR,LS) some sponges on LR, 2 percula clowns. Which type shrimp should I get and how many? Also wich type crabs do I need to sift sand but no damage anything? and how many? Also which is recomende brittle stars or red star fish? Also are mandarin gobies good for sand...
  5. teog

    Question about True Percs

    I have a tank raise pair of true perc's. Ive had them only a week now and they seem to be doin great.
  6. teog

    cortez puffer

    Has anyone heard of a cortez puffer fish? My LFS has two and they are sooo cool looking. They are blue looking with white spots. I beleive they are in the arthron family.
  7. teog

    new tank finaly

    Thanks for the filter is a Sea Life Systems 150 wet/dry. It has a built in venturi skimmer. I have a pump to the skimmer and two return pump. I had some mods done to it to work more effectivly.
  8. teog

    puffer in semi-reef

    Are you able to put a valentini puffer in a 29g semi-reef(LR and LS) with two percula clowns? If I add soft coral will the puffy eat it?
  9. teog

    new tank finaly

    I just confirmed my new tank arrives tommorrow and Im so excited. Its a custom made 90gallon..yehaaa! Any way I have been doing lots of soul serching for the right fish. I have decided on a clown trigger, Volitan and a zebra eel.(I know about waiting for my cycle before I add fish) Is there...
  10. teog

    when to get Clean up crew

    Thanks for all the insight, its always appreciated. My tank had already cycled before I added the clown fish. Everything looks great. just need to add some good lights and a protien skimmer.
  11. teog

    when to get Clean up crew

    I was wondering when should I get a clean up crew for my 29 g tank? Its been established a week now. What would be compatible for my tank also? I have 40lbs of LR?3 inch lS bed and two clowns? I also plan on buying soft coral too? What is easiest to care for? Thanks for the help!
  12. teog

    New fish add in

    I finally got my tank set up. Its a 29 gallon with 27lbs of figi rock and another 15lbs of florida aquaculture rock. I bought 20 lbs of natures own dry ocean sand a 20lbs of live sand. The tank took 3 days to cycle( WOW, is that possible). So I bought a pair of tank raised true perculas and I...
  13. teog

    More light help please!

    I still need mor help on lights and I cant find much out there unless by the manufacture. I only got one recomendation and that would cost me over 400.00 bucks...WOW! What would any one recomend for around 150.00 or under for a 29 gallon reef tank. Im a beginer and wouldnt get expert coral. I...
  14. teog

    clown fish

    I just set up a 29g reef tank and want to purchase a pair of clowns? either saddleback or Maroons. What is a difference between buying just two fish or a mated pair?
  15. teog

    smart lites

    I posted a message a few day ago about being new to the hobby and starting a 24 g reef tank. You all gave my great advise. Thanks! I had to upgrade to tonight to a 29g tank since my other tank broke in moving it. i also went out and bought 27 pounds of marshall island LR. I know that this...
  16. teog

    new reef tank

    hey all I posted this earlier but some some reason its gone. I have a 24gallon tank I want to make into a basic reef. I am new to this. I would like to have a pair of saddle clowns. What type coral/anename do they like? Also what criters should I have too? I plan on getting 35lbs of live...
  17. teog


    Hello all. I curently have a 90 gallon tank in which Im in the end of my cyle. I love puffers and decided on getting a gold puffer within the next week. I also would like to get a clown trigger. But based upon reading this site I dont know if that is a good idea. Are there any triggers that...