new tank finaly


I just confirmed my new tank arrives tommorrow and Im so excited. Its a custom made 90gallon..yehaaa!
Any way I have been doing lots of soul serching for the right fish. I have decided on a clown trigger, Volitan and a zebra eel.(I know about waiting for my cycle before I add fish) Is there any order to which fish I put in first? Also what size fish should I get?ie small, medium, large.
I think harlaquin tusks are cool, would this be overload? My filter is big enough, and I have a skimmer.
Thanks for the help.
[ September 07, 2001: Message edited by: teog ]


if you switch the volitan for a dwark or antenna then you could also get the tusk...but even if you skip the tusk i personally think a 120 is needed for a volitan (although you could probably get away with a 90 if your set on it, but if you do i would definatly skip the tusk)...
that aside...i would stock in this order:
2)eel (are you set on the zebra? if not snowflakes are great!)
3)harlaquin tusk (w/ non-volitan lion)
as far as filtration, what do you have?? what kind of skimmer?? LR/LS etc.??? need some more info on your setup to give a good answer...
i would go with the order noted above, but make sure everything is going kosher until you add the trigger cause he may pick on some people if they are sick/ not adjusted


You also might want to change the type of trigger you have. Clowns do get pretty big, consider this setup, attenatta, zebra, maybe the tusk, and then either a picasso, niger, or pinktail. They all stay around 9-10inches, and are generally placid.


another of the "smaller" triggers that i like is the male bluejaw...
also, with these fish you will need very good filtration and i would personally wait 4-6 weeks between each addition (just my opinion but i like to allow plenty of time for the biological filtration in the tank to catch up with the new bioload) as these are all messy fish...and i think that longer interval between additions is an important part of a long lasting setup...
[ September 07, 2001: Message edited by: justchillin ]


Thanks for the filter is a Sea Life Systems 150 wet/dry. It has a built in venturi skimmer. I have a pump to the skimmer and two return pump. I had some mods done to it to work more effectivly.