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  1. damselsrck

    Stocking 46-gallon

    Hey! I have a 46-gallon fowlr and I am looking for some new fish. I was going to get a mixture of damsels, but decided against it. (Too bad I can't change my wwas made on a whim... :mad: ) I am interested in sixline wrasses, but I think I heard/read somewhere that there was a serious...
  2. damselsrck


    Hi. I am wondering if I can add the following fish to a 46 gallon tank that already has a ocelarris clown, 2 chromis, and a yellowtail damsel: Talbots Damsel Yellow Damselfish Pink Smith Damselfish How many of each of these could I add? And, should I add them all at once, risking the bio-load...