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  1. camaroboy8691

    4 striped damsel ... fat lip ? or eggs

    we just got a 4 strip damsel last night at the lfs and didnt notice it till this morning but it has a fat lip . is it eggs ? he is swimming around fine but does not open or close his mouth . any ideas on how to see if it is eggs ? the fish is only over an inch long so im not sure how old he is .
  2. camaroboy8691

    water testing kits

    Originally Posted by jetskiking I will be honest, I have gotten skewed readings from just about every brand. When I buy a new test kit I always compair it against two others just to be sure its right. thats not a bad idea . always good to have a 2nd opinion . and in this hobby better to check...
  3. camaroboy8691

    water testing kits

    ok . so i know all test kits are different . and some have differnt ml's and such . but who likes who ? after weeks and weeks of having bad results with a red sea test kit we got an api trite kit . and walla . all water tests are right on . anyone else have a situation like this ? who do you...
  4. camaroboy8691

    flame cardinal ..... arghhhhh

    yup got that done so he stays away from everything else . all i know is he better be good or hes going in jail or to the lfs
  5. camaroboy8691

    flame cardinal ..... arghhhhh

    yea i dunno . i got him around noon from swf . aclimated and everything put him in and he was chillin under a rock ledge . then the g/f just checked everything a bit ago and a dead shrimp . i was upset atleast he didnt kill the skunk maybe he was just hungry from the ride from florida to pa ?
  6. camaroboy8691

    flame cardinal ..... arghhhhh

    got a flame cardinal and less than 8 hours in the tank he already took a shrimp out arghhh . im mad . i love my shrimp . what should i do ? get rid of the flame or ???
  7. camaroboy8691

    little white bugs many ?

    Originally Posted by Cranberry It sounds like just pods. They are very abundant during and just after a cycle because of the food availability. Their population wax and wane in response to the acvailable food. Side question: Is your tank fully cycled. honestly im not sure if it is fully cycled...
  8. camaroboy8691

    little white bugs many ?

    ok . tank has been cycling for over a month now and on the glass i noticed little white bugs . very small . im talkin no picture takin of these little guys . they dont seem to be a problem . but . there is that many of them it looks like air bubbles in the water . should i just let them go ...
  9. camaroboy8691

    new guy , new setup . just a few questions

    the bugs are kinda cool . there is alot of them . did some water tests today for the 1st time in 3 days . here is what i got . calcium is 480 dkh is 8 nitrate is .5ppm nitrites are still purple . ammonia is 0ppm phosphat is 0.0 my alkalinity is safe . but my ph is kinda high . its 8.5...
  10. camaroboy8691

    new guy , new setup . just a few questions

    Originally Posted by D-Dzel Might be an amphipod, they don't harm anything just little bugs helping with the clean up. They usually only come out when the lights go off. When mine go off, I leave my moonlights on for about 3 hours then everything goes off so the bugs can come out and do their...
  11. camaroboy8691

    new guy , new setup . just a few questions

    ok just a quick question . the lights went off on the tank alittle bit ago . and we noticed what looks like a little silver bug running around on one of the rocks . what is this ? it seriously is a bug . about 3/8" long . the rock it is on also has alot of 1" worms that come out during the...
  12. camaroboy8691

    new guy , new setup . just a few questions

    Originally Posted by nycbob ur nitrite and ammonia should both register zero. u should do water change every 4-5 days, and not add any more inverts or fish for at least another month. invest in a reef test kit. i do understand they both need to be 0 , but trying to figure somethings out before...
  13. camaroboy8691

    new guy , new setup . just a few questions

    yes a refractometer is on the list of buys . when we bought our setup i said to the guy what about a refractometer . he said o we just use the little plastic ones here . i thought um ok . ill just get a cheap one . now dont get me wrong it works . but sometimes you need to invest in serious...
  14. camaroboy8691

    new guy , new setup . just a few questions

    hey everyone . after surfin this forum for a few months it was finally time to join . between me and my g/f we must have read every post about reef tanks and such . and its very over whelming at the info here . so i need some pointers . first our tank . it is a 75gal oceanic with a sump . and a...