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  1. ellectrareef

    Lawnmower Goby Feeding Question

    Hmmm, I think you mean a Lawnmower Blenny and I read somewhere that it actually is an omnivore after I freaked out when I saw it eat meat. They seemed to still state herbivore on the sites I just checked but mine eats a lot more. He will eat anything including...
  2. ellectrareef

    Need ID...Mexican Turbo....? Red & Black...?

    I bought 3 red moon snails a while back for my reef but none of them survived. They are more expensive than the Mex. Turbo as well. I now hear that they like colder water so maybe that's why they died so I won't buy anymore. They do list 72-78 degrees on that link.
  3. ellectrareef

    Just got a lawnmower

    Mine cleaned up my reef algae all together. Big fat belly. I did read that they also do not have a swim bladder (like Hawkfish) so it's harder for them to swim up to the top of the tank. Occasionally I'll see mine dancing up higher to reach the nori that I have on higher clips. Like the previous...
  4. ellectrareef

    C'mon everyone, who is the KING OF YOUR TANK?

    In my 120 the King would have to be my Desj. Sailfin Tang and a maroon clown that rules over his two anemones (Heteractus Magnifica constantly on the move and a Bubbletip) and over Purple and Hippo Tang, Flame Hawk, yellow gobies,firefish,lawnmower blenny, mandarin, royal gramma. In my 105 maybe...
  5. ellectrareef

    Size of Quaritine tank

    I bought an 18 gallon at *****. It has the same footprint (bottom area) as a ten gallon so it would fit on my old stand and use my old lights (in my freshwater days) but it gives me more water volume for stability. It also has black caulk since the clear type would be stained by medications. I...