C'mon everyone, who is the KING OF YOUR TANK?


well just got two false percs today my first fish in the tank since i cycled :-D id have to say the bigger one will stay the king since in the store it was so i picked her and a little guy hopefully they do good in my tank


New Member
well lets see. In the 40 gallon reef it has to be the red sea purple tang. in the 80 gallon it has to be the adult male lunar wrasse. contantly fights with the adult female lunar wrasse. and in the 125 gallon its a toss up between the adult male naso tang and the school of 5 sailfin tangs. if the sailfins and the powder brown quarrel he breaks them up he is the mediator of the tank.


It is a toss up here...
My maroon clown steals food from My puffer yet as soon as he does he swims for cover. My puffer is the true king even though she will be moved to my new tank when it is done cycling. My angel...that is what she is...An Angel... <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
The King or should I say Queen of our 72 is our Clarkie Clown, and in the 200 it has to be our Niger Trigger, he's not mean, but he keeps everyone in line. Lisa <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


Active Member
my flame hawk is such a little bastad. Any time i add anything to my tank he always ahs to come over and inspect it and give it his approval or something. Fish, corals, inverts, as soon as they are introduced, he starts eying them like he wants to fight. He did this with a sand siftig conch that i added! whats up with that?????


In the 90, it's the lionfish hands down. The yellow tang will try to dethrone him, but all it takes is a little lunge from him and she scoots away!
In the 20, it's the clownfish....although the only other fish are firefish and scissortail gobies, so it's not like he has any real competition! :D


yellow tang
you have a percula clown that killed damsels and a yellow tang... <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> are you sure you don't have a shark in clown clothing, pound for pound damsels got to be the scrapiest lil terds I have ever seen, then to kill a yellow tang to boot!! better put the chains on that bad aszed clown he might eat the cat, in my 55 the yellow tang raises supreme bulling even the larger niger trigger, in my 75 it's the emerald crab nothing stops him or gets in his way, in my 29 it's a larger male neon tetra..oooohhhh thats fresh water.... :D

tru conch

Active Member
in my 29 my band coral shrimp bosses around my kole tang and sleeper goby
then in the 75 my juv gray angel runs the show over a hippo tang, clark clown, bar goby, lawnmower blenny,six line wrasse, and a royal gamma


New Member
In my 120 the King would have to be my Desj. Sailfin Tang and a maroon clown that rules over his two anemones (Heteractus Magnifica constantly on the move and a Bubbletip) and over Purple and Hippo Tang, Flame Hawk, yellow gobies,firefish,lawnmower blenny, mandarin, royal gramma. In my 105 maybe the Valentini Puffer only because he's the most active. Since I removed the king bully Lunar Wrasse all others get along (maroon clown, Stars&Stripes Puffer, Niger Trigger).
My beautiful royal gramma keeps a check on the community. He's out and about all the time socializing with the Cardinals and the Clown.


As of right now I would have to My female Maroon Clown, but I think as the Emp. Angel grows she will be queen! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> She has only been in the tank for almost 2 weeks, so give her time.
I have a little Blue Devil Damsel that thinks he is it, but he is always get knocked back down. Even by the Flame Hawk.
The line of crabs, my decorator thinks he is the poop ( He is huge, He is the size of a trantulla (SP) I kid you not.) The emeralds pinch his legs. :D The decorator will keep moving away then finnaly get fed up and run back and hit then then run the other way. He is getting more ballsy, I think he is realizinng how big he really is compared to the other crabs.


definately my coral banded shrimp i call him the capton of all my tank hes not even scaredd of me or atleast my hand but after him its my lawnmower blenny


my 3 stripe hase ruled my tank for 3 years and just will not die one of 2 origanials from cycling but the blue damsel is a wimp


I would have to say at this point it is my Puffer ( stars and stripes ). He comes swimming by and the rest just all scatter.