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  1. kdonohoe36697

    fish identity problems

    Well its settled. Hes a cobia. Well see how long he can stay in the tank and then maybe we'll eat him. Thank you guys. You've been very helpful.
  2. kdonohoe36697

    fish identity problems

    Well I took some more pictures of him because he decided to hold still. Idk which one he is. He has a flat head and tijy spines on his dorsal fin and also a picture of him and the lion fish :)
  3. kdonohoe36697

    fish identity problems

    I know the puctures are blurry but hes really active and never feeakin holds still. He cant be a catfish, he has no whiskers.
  4. kdonohoe36697

    fish identity problems

    I caught this fish off the coast of Jekyll Island, Georgia but have no idea whst kind it is. Anyone know?
  5. kdonohoe36697

    barren waters grow nothing :(

    I feed the IQF krill and I havent checked the water recently but I will snd will let you know
  6. kdonohoe36697

    barren waters grow nothing :(

    I just want to know why it isnt growing anything
  7. kdonohoe36697

    barren waters grow nothing :(

    I'm not trying to grow anything in particular. Ive had the light since I bought the tank. Yes! They are ghost shrimp. Sorry about that. Water changes about once every two weeks and a wet dry sump for filtration.
  8. kdonohoe36697

    barren waters grow nothing :(

    Before anyine comments, I am aware that the lion will get bigger. I dont need a lecture, just need advice.
  9. kdonohoe36697

    barren waters grow nothing :(

    Okay, here's the deal. Ive had a 55gal for about a year or so. We check the water, and everything comes back normal. We went out and bought high output t5s ( 1 white and 1 purple). We have plenty of LR, maybe evn too much, and all kinds of fish. One Russell's Lion One tomato clown Two damsels...
  10. kdonohoe36697

    I'm starting new 210gal "aggressive" tank What do I use for CUC ?

    Zebra morays tend to be very social and most sites say they can get along just fine. I have a Russell's lion and a snowflake eel. They get along just fine so I wouldn't predict a problem with the zebra morays
  11. kdonohoe36697

    lion fish and spiny box puffer

    No it must just be the picture
  12. kdonohoe36697

    lion fish and spiny box puffer

    [/IMG] I hope that worked
  13. kdonohoe36697

    lion fish and spiny box puffer

    [/IMG] I hope that worked
  14. kdonohoe36697

    lion fish and spiny box puffer

    And yeah were aware that the clown and damsels will be feeder fish once the lion gets bigger. But I mean they're only damsels and the clown was free so id be more concerndd about my 45 and 50 dollar fish
  15. kdonohoe36697

    lion fish and spiny box puffer

    Its a Russell's. And most of the sites that say they are compatible reccomend establishing the tank for the lion first
  16. kdonohoe36697

    lion fish and spiny box puffer

    Okay so heres the thing, in our house we have three tanks. One 40 something reef with a clown and a dory. A biocube (25) with two Mollie miller blennies and a spiny box puffer. And one 55gal with a lion fish, snowflake eel, a clown fish and 2 damsels. I already know that the tanks are too small...