barren waters grow nothing :(


New Member
Okay, here's the deal. Ive had a 55gal for about a year or so. We check the water, and everything comes back normal. We went out and bought high output t5s ( 1 white and 1 purple). We have plenty of LR, maybe evn too much, and all kinds of fish.
One Russell's Lion
One tomato clown
Two damsels that the lion hasn't slurped up yet
One snowflake eel
One mud minnow thats managed to outgrow the lion
A plain white ocean found hermit
And a butt ton of brine shrimp as live food for the lion
The problem is that the tank doesn't seem to want to grow anything, algae included. Could the problem be the brine shrimp or maybe just the lighting? Someone please help me find a solution.


The lighting is probably not enough.
How often do you do water changes?
Are you sure it's brine and not ghost shrimp?
What kind of filtration are you running?


New Member
I'm not trying to grow anything in particular. Ive had the light since I bought the tank. Yes! They are ghost shrimp. Sorry about that. Water changes about once every two weeks and a wet dry sump for filtration.


Well-Known Member
Something is eating it up before anything can grow... or ... Something is very off in the tanks water parameters, and algae can't grow. I never had a ton of ghost shrimp, so I don't know what they eat. As a basic life cycle... the plant life feeds the lower life, and the little fish eat them, then the big fish eat the little fish.
Water exactly are the water parameters?


Depending on just how many ghost shrimp you have, they could be making the tank "too clean."
I've kept them in my sumps from time to time to clean up.
Have you attempted to wean the lion onto frozen?
Some things to try:
Wait longer before a water change (obviously monitor the tank to make sure this is ok and change sooner if needed)
Try different foods - by the way, what do you feed the other fish and shrimp?
Keep the ghost shrimp in a separate tank