Search results

  1. gupsterwantabe

    Sand star fish eaten

    In my 75gallon tank I have a yellow tang, Orbic bat fish, a fox face, a clown fish, two yellowtail damsels, a scooter blenny and a goby. I recently bought a sand starfish and someone ate at him. Has anyone had a sand star fish? Does anyone know who would have eaten on him???
  2. gupsterwantabe

    Fish gone help!!!

    I am missing my scotter Blennie fish. I cannot find him anywhere, even just moved around all my live rock and he is not in the tank. does anyone have any ideas what could be going on ??????
  3. gupsterwantabe

    foxface and clown

    Hi Zach,, I have a fox face and clown.. I have had my fox face for about three months now .. he has not grown much at all and he does not bother my clown or my yellow tang
  4. gupsterwantabe


    Thanks to all who have replied. I am moving about 1/2 hour away. The question I have left is if I takeout most of the water, and the live rock and the fish,, I should leave some water and the sand in the bottom correct?
  5. gupsterwantabe


    I need all your help and advise on this one. I am going to be moving soon. How do you move a 75 gallon saltwater aquarium? I have not only all the fish, sand, etc, to be concerned with but plus the live rock. Anyone do this fun feat yet and can anyone suggest the most undisruptive ways to do...
  6. gupsterwantabe

    kick ick questions

    Thanks Terry B,, but I do have live rock so cannot use hyposalinity... Soo have to use Kick ick,, also using garlic,,, do I leave skimmer off whole time treating with kick ick? When can I do water change?
  7. gupsterwantabe

    kick ick questions

    I wrote on Monday to Trey to get some help,, thank you,, well I have some problems and need some advice,, I really appreciate all the help you get here... Sunday I discovered my bat fish had ick,, I did the freshwater bath but did not have another tank to put him in.., so I put him back in main...
  8. gupsterwantabe

    garlic question

    I searched the site and read every article on Garlic,, I then went to a GNC to try to find some. Well they only had Garlic suplements in soft gel caps. I bought it and boy does it stink,, I then took my frozen brine shrimp and Plankton and put some drops on it,,like 5 and let it sit for an hour...
  9. gupsterwantabe

    Trey, or any other Shark Help please????????

    Hi,, Trey,, I have been on line reading every article I can on garlic, ick and Hospital tanks,,, I posted a question this morning and have not had much help,,, I heard from others, you are the best ,,, (like MR Salty) Here is my problem: I have a 75 gallon tank... been set up since March. I...
  10. gupsterwantabe

    Help,, 1st time with any disease??

    Hello, 1st this is my first time to this message board,, I usually go to the fish only message board but think I have disease... I have a 75 gallon tank... been set up since March. I have some live rock, a peppermint shrimp, two damsels, a clown fish, a yellow tank, and a bat fish... I know a...
  11. gupsterwantabe

    scooter blennie

    I love my scotter blennie,, he is soooo cute,, we love the way the looks like he is ****** ,,, they are not hard to keep at all;
  12. gupsterwantabe

    Sick Fish Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Help please!!!!.. I have a 75 gallon tank. Yesterday while doing a water change, I noticed that my Bat fish had a white looking spot on his side and his eyes were cloudy. Not little white spots, but a spot that looked like a patch of white dust. We read in one of our aquarium books to put the...
  13. gupsterwantabe

    Bat fish and tank size?????

    We have had the bat only two days but it is eating,, brine shrimp and even flake food and dried seaweed,, thank God,, it even lets us pet him when you put the food in,, it is are cool looking fish
  14. gupsterwantabe

    Bat fish and tank size?????

    Question for you all on Bat Fish. In a previous question I posted I asked about Tangs and Butterfly fish compatibility. I mentioned that I have a 75 gallon tank and that I also have a Bat Fish. Someone responded that Bat Fish will get huge and require a 200 gallon tank..... Is this true? I...
  15. gupsterwantabe

    Butterfly fish with Tang!!!!!Help

    Hey Jimi.... my bat is awesome,,, I have had him only three weeks so not that big yet.. The Tang does not bother him only the butterfly
  16. gupsterwantabe

    Butterfly fish with Tang!!!!!Help

    Help!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a 75 gallon salt water tank. I have the following fish in my tank: two damsels, a clownfish, a bat fish, a blennie, a yellow Tang and just got a butterfly fish yesterday. The Tang is being really mean and aggressive to the Butterfly fish. The tang keeps following the...