Butterfly fish with Tang!!!!!Help


New Member
I have a 75 gallon salt water tank. I have the following fish in my tank:
two damsels, a clownfish, a bat fish, a blennie, a yellow Tang and just got a butterfly fish yesterday. The Tang is being really mean and aggressive to the Butterfly fish. The tang keeps following the butterfly around and running into him,, not bitting him but does not like him.
Does anyone know if this will stop? will the tang eventually get used the butterfly?
Are Tangs mean? Should I take the butterfly back???


Active Member
What kind of butterfly is it? Hard to say if your tang will get use to him yellows can be nasty. I have a threadfin and purple tang together without a problem but the threadfin is tiny so maybe the tang does not feel threatened. How long have you had the batfish? Is he large?


Yellows are mean little guys....I had a yellow tang that beat up a GORGEOUS emperor angel awhile back. Needless to say he is no longer with me.
he may get used to him, but again he may not. They are very territorial.


New Member
Hey Jimi.... my bat is awesome,,, I have had him only three weeks so not that big yet.. The Tang does not bother him only the butterfly


you put the fish in the tank in the WRONG ORDER.....!!!!!!!! TANGS GO IN LAST!!!!!!! and you will need a 200 gallon tank or bigger for your bat fish............ Why get fish that will outgrow the tank???? You need to study more and ask more questions here or something....?????//11111*&^^%^(*(^%$.... but anyway, if you listen to the dude at the store you might bring home a whale next!!! :D ;) :p :cool: :) :rolleyes: :confused:
It might stop, or it may not. I got a emperor about a month ago, and my naso tang was beating it up like crazy, but now my angel is the king of the tank. But I have also a niger trigger and a painted parrotfish, and my niger always attacks it. So anything can happen. If the Yellow tang is still attacking, either return the tang, or return the butterfly and get a bigger one.


See if you can rearrange your rocks and surrounding in the tank. Then isolate your tang for awhile until your other fish adjusts. Then when you put the tang back in it will be confused and will not be at home to defend its territory, that might work. Be careful when rearranging though, make sure your water doesn't get so polluted as to kill your fish. :D


New Member
Please, keep an eye on the tang, because he has spines on his sides in front of the tail if he hitts the butterfly with them. He can hurt the butterfly and kill him. So if the tang doesnt stop you will have to do something with one of them..