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  1. boutwellk

    first timer SW tank

    Originally Posted by surfinusa hogfish get huge like 20inches i wouldnt get those get like a goby or blenny they get to about 3 inches i heard but im not sure if its true...that fish can grow according to the size of the aquarium...true or not???
  2. boutwellk

    buyin some fish and need help

    Originally Posted by FishFatty well thats the part where the person buying the fish needs to have some knowledge...if your going to buy a fish thats the least you should know well if all you have is a 20 gallon tank you sure dont want to have a fish that is gonna be 15 inches long so i think...
  3. boutwellk

    buyin some fish and need help

    on this site when the sizes are given in the description of the fish and other critters, is that the size of them full grown or just the size they are delivered??
  4. boutwellk

    RO & LFS

    this is probably a stupid question but what does RO and LFS stand for??? i cant seem to figure it out.
  5. boutwellk

    sand question????

    Originally Posted by sethw hmmm........ if i remember correctly, your ok so, just be sure to rinse well :) thanks a lot...and when i rinse those small amounts do i add them to my tank after the water is in it or do i put the sand in first??
  6. boutwellk

    sand question????

    Originally Posted by sethw ok, i used store baught sand for my first tank, and well, use caution, what brand is it? some are very harmful, some arent as harmful. But anywho, let me know what brand it is. just put a little bit at a time, like a couple scops ful (4 cups) in a jar or tupperware...
  7. boutwellk

    sand question????

    what is a good way to rinse off the sand before it is used??? its not Live sand, its store bought bag sand
  8. boutwellk

    first timer SW tank

    Originally Posted by fish-man-t a filter is a filter but !!!!! are you getting live rock??? are you going to get coral??? are you useing live sand???? or bag sand???? what lighting???? temp at 78???? what kind of fish if any are you going to have??? got a test kit????? im thinkin bout...
  9. boutwellk

    first timer SW tank

    im thinkin bout gettin live rock...not sure though im gonna get coral got bag sand no problem regulating the temp or light i was wanting to get clown fish, hogfish, some crabs, maybe some shrimp and a not gonna get anything unless it has a peaceful attitude!! no test kit yet
  10. boutwellk

    first timer SW tank

    im wantin to start a SW tank and im not sure exactly what i have to get. i have a 20 gallon tank that i gonna to use. i already have the sand, sea salt, hydrometer and some Kent water treatment that helps maintain the pH. is there anything else that i need to get? another question is would...
  11. boutwellk

    First time salt water tank

    im buyin the stuff for my first salt water tank and i cant figure out how to make a post on here to ask sure its easy but i cant figure it out. can you please tell me how to so i can get started. thanks