first timer SW tank


New Member
im wantin to start a SW tank and im not sure exactly what i have to get. i have a 20 gallon tank that i gonna to use. i already have the sand, sea salt, hydrometer and some Kent water treatment that helps maintain the pH. is there anything else that i need to get?
another question is would you recommend a protein skimmer or regular filter system. if the regular filter system is better, can i use one that is for freshwater or do i have to buy a salt water one?? and it better to put the water in first then add the sand or the sand then the water??and does the protein skimmer/filter have to be goin during that process?


a filter is a filter but !!!!! are you getting live rock??? are you going to get coral??? are you useing live sand???? or bag sand???? what lighting????
temp at 78???? what kind of fish if any are you going to have???
got a test kit?????

keith burn

Active Member
hi welcome to the world of sw
1st you need to stop buying things
read all you can and read more
see how much you will spend and laugh read more
look in lfs and talk to your new best frind (get in good it will help later)and read
thank about what kind of sw tenk you will have fish with lr only, or a reef and read more
thank about the tank big or small, bow or box
then read read read look at this bord read read
ok now start buying...
lol it is fun you will love it


New Member
im thinkin bout gettin live rock...not sure though
im gonna get coral
got bag sand
no problem regulating the temp or light
i was wanting to get clown fish, hogfish, some crabs, maybe some shrimp and a not gonna get anything unless it has a peaceful attitude!!
no test kit yet


New Member
Originally Posted by fish-man-t
a filter is a filter but !!!!! are you getting live rock??? are you going to get coral??? are you useing live sand???? or bag sand???? what lighting????
temp at 78???? what kind of fish if any are you going to have???
got a test kit?????

im thinkin bout gettin live rock...not sure though
im gonna get coral
got bag sand
no problem regulating the temp or light
i was wanting to get clown fish, hogfish, some crabs, maybe some shrimp and a not gonna get anything unless it has a peaceful attitude!!
no test kit yet


live rock a must!!! coral awsoom!!! fish?? be carefull , fish grow and will soon be too big for a 20 gallon so choose carefully!! with a 20 gallon tank you have to watch it almost daily. the salt lvls can change rather fast !! if your getting coral i would get a test kit that test's everything!!!not just amn nit ph !! and last the guy befor me said read read read i agree 110%! you need to understand what you can and can not put together good luck with the tank plz keep us all posted and asny questions that you need no matter how stupid it may seem, after all that what we are all here for


Originally Posted by boutwellk
im thinkin bout gettin live rock...not sure though
im gonna get coral
got bag sand
no problem regulating the temp or light
i was wanting to get clown fish, hogfish, some crabs, maybe some shrimp and a not gonna get anything unless it has a peaceful attitude!!
no test kit yet
hogfish get huge like 20inches i wouldnt get those get like a goby or blenny they get to about 3 inches


New Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
hogfish get huge like 20inches i wouldnt get those get like a goby or blenny they get to about 3 inches
i heard but im not sure if its true...that fish can grow according to the size of the aquarium...true or not???


I agree a filter is a filter. Would use liverock and sand. This will only help the tank. Do your research(read and ask questions). Stop buying equipment and stuff until your sure about the purchase.
2 things I recommend: you get is a very good test kit and return the hydrometer and get a refractometer. They've got a good one on this site. About 50 bucks. This tool is most valuable and very accurate.


Welcome to!! If you have not already done so, the first step is to add your sand and saltwater mixture. A refractometer is best for measuring salinity. You have several weeks of waiting before adding any fish. Use this time to read up on different fish and their requirements. Some good books are "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner and a good reference book is "The essential guide to marine fish" by Scott Michael. You will need to cycle your tank. This can be done by adding uncured live rock to your tank or by adding a piece of raw shrimp to your tank and letting it start to decompose. You will need a master liquid test kit before you do anything else. Again, welcome to the boards, please feel free to post any and all questions that you may have.


Originally Posted by boutwellk
i heard but im not sure if its true...that fish can grow according to the size of the aquarium...true or not???
i hate that myth,fish will grow to the size of the aquarium but once they get too big they get stressed and die

yeffre kix

I would suggest a larger tank. A 20 gallon will be difficult to keep stable which is crucial for the health of fish and corals. As well as limiting your fish selection. Take a look at larger aquariums. They are not that expensive compared to everthing else your gonna need.
A protien skimmer is a must for water quality. It will help remove the crap from you water (quite literally) and make life a lot easier.
Lighting is the most exspensive part of the reef system, but also one of the most important. Get some metal haliads with actinic supliments for a realistic appearence as well as required light for corals.
I'm not a big fan of additives either. Regular water changes to replace trace elements and remove nitrates will do the trick without adding stuff you don't need.
Make sure your tank cycles before adding fish and corals or your just wasting your money. A good test kit will tell you when your biological filter is established and you can begin adding fish and corals.
Go slow! You can't get everthing you want and put it in all at once. Add things one at a time and allow your tank to balance itself before any more additions.
Best of luck !

Don't be afraid to ask questions and get opinions from other reefers here on the boards.