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  1. hawkeyes73

    breeding clowns

    that is one exspensive book
  2. hawkeyes73

    breeding clowns

    well yeah I knew that much... but what about when they lay the eggs... do I need to do anything... take them out? or what... get a certain liquid food... will the eggs get eaten... ect.
  3. hawkeyes73

    breeding clowns

    anyone know how to breed clowns?
  4. hawkeyes73


  5. hawkeyes73


    well lots of people have told me not to put a tang in a 55 but lots of sources said 50 was okay and it's to late now cause I'm not gunna just give him back and I'm to lazy to catch him.. but anyways.. way to I need to avoid a coral beauty?
  6. hawkeyes73


    I have a 55 gallon tank with 2 percula clowns, a firefish, and a tang... I was going to add either a oriole, elbli, or a coral beauty angelfish... I have plenty of live rock since I know they like it... any suggestions any which one to get and will it get along with the other fish?