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  1. sharkey708

    aeration question

    How much aeration in a 75 gal tank is adequate? If I'm running my protein skimmer, does the water get enough oxygenm through that process enough, or do you think I need to let air run through my powerheads also? (I hate all the bubble in the tank). Thanks
  2. sharkey708


    ok thanks. i feel better, and just let her out of the trunk of the car
  3. sharkey708


    I just caught my brilliant wife spraying around my tank with windex!!! Im in a panic....please someone advise....should I do a water change???
  4. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    Thanks for all of your help. 10 fish in a 75 is too many? I thought the biggest of the bunch would be the angel and hippo, and the rest would be 6 in or under, no? They are all juveniles currently, so I dont think overcrowding should come into play, should it? the biggest was the majestic at...
  5. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    yes i do have brittle stars in there! ya think they're doing it? Anyway, I just got back from wal-mart and bought a 10 gal tank, because there is little white spots on some of my fish. the only thing Im not sure of is, do I put 'em all in at once to treat them? or leave the ones alone that...
  6. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    How do you tell if it is ick? is there anything I can dose directly into the main tank without turning my fish world upside down? I dont have a hospital tank.....I'm getting sick to my stomach about losing all these guys. In regards to the water changes, they have been small 5 gal changes...
  7. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    also approx 15 true crabs, 5 hermits, 5 stars, 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 2 cucumbers,
  8. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    yes. some of the fish look like they have little white specs on them, and my black & white looks like it has blotchy white spots on it & eyes are clody. I was doing the water changes hoping to help get rid of whatever was in there. I have 1 boxfish, 1 hippo tang, 1 yellow tang, 2 percs, 1...
  9. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    tank is 8 months old. 75 gal with 140lbs of live rock. I dont think its the crab either. i think its a disease but dont know what. I have lost a mandarin, maroon clown, psudochromis, and a majestic angel. 1 black & white clown looking like he's on his way out. getting desperate and do not...
  10. sharkey708

    Boxfish a Killer?

    I have heard that boxfish will release toxin into the water if they are stressed. Well, I also have a boxfish in my tank. Could this be the case or would he have to cdie to release this poisn? Also, if he did release a toxin, wouldnt he wipe out all the fish, and not just a select few?
  11. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    I am fairly new to the hobby and also do not know how to determine if they have been infected with some sort of disease or not or what kind of disease it could be. Are their any sites that troubleshoot for disease w/ pics?
  12. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    ph is 8.1
  13. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    1.023, 0 ammonia, 20, and 0 (nitrates & nitrites) temp is at 79
  14. sharkey708

    mysterious deaths

    over the past several days, I have been literally losing fish. they keep disappearing. I do not know if they are dying due to a disease, or if one of my crabs is the culprit while they are sleeping. Is it possible a crab can be killing my friends?? HELP!!