Search results

  1. djhavoc

    maroon clown + new bubble tip

    you can see where he is stuck :( im worried he wont get the light he needs. sorry for the bad pic, taking with my wifes iphone
  2. djhavoc

    maroon clown + new bubble tip

    the lfs had it under some low light, common lighting they just got a couple in so i bought it right away. its green with purple tips here is a pic from a min ago What does bleached mean? something to be concerned about?
  3. djhavoc

    maroon clown + new bubble tip

    My first bubble tip, i added last night.. the second i placed him on the sand he moved to a rock under bigger rocks.. i knew this will happen and i know he will move to a place he feels at home.. problem is my clown took to it right away and will not leave it alone. we can see once the clown...
  4. djhavoc

    id please

    the tentacles are short and not bubblish like all the mojano i see pictures of i just saw this and its really close but my guys have longer tentacles
  5. djhavoc

    id please

    can anyone tell me what these are? i have about 7 of them they came on a rock i bought with some zoa's. im thinking rock anemone maybe?
  6. djhavoc

    Chocolate Chip Starfish

    i was told its a way they try to get food, mine does it too
  7. djhavoc

    Coral banded shrimp molt over night?

    wow, thank you so much. i guess i should smack myself for not using the search lol
  8. djhavoc

    Coral banded shrimp molt over night?

    I had a bristleworm problem so i bought a coral banded shrimp last week. every night i love watching him at work. last night was just another night i watched him for a little and went to bed. woke this morning and saw what looked to be his upper body floating at the bottom. first thought in my...
  9. djhavoc

    seaclone 100

    i have the 150 on my 30 and i hated when ever i feed it would bubble up my tank bad. i love the way it works so i built a sump and put the 150 in my sump. no more bubbles! and works alot better, plus i hated the look of having it hang on my tank
  10. djhavoc

    beneficial Bristleworm or not?

    Originally Posted by T316 ...just don't touch them with a bare hand lol, yea i read up on them now i think im going to try to catch one or 2 so they dont take over my tank
  11. djhavoc

    beneficial Bristleworm or not?

    these buggers just freak me out LOL. thanx for the tips guys.
  12. djhavoc

    beneficial Bristleworm or not?

    Just noticed these buggers tonight, I have 4 large rocks and noticed 3 worms coming out of 3 rocks. i lost 2 clown fish about 4 weeks ago.. and when i saw lost i mean they are GONE! lol. when i noticed one clown was gone and had to move my tank into another room i felt it was a good time to look...