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  1. victoria79


    Yesterday went by with a breeze the boys were little angles until we came home this afternoon they turned on us. Rotten little buggers. My husband and I had a long talk on the way home. He agrees that the boys are little stinkers at times, and we are on our way to making things better. Or...
  2. victoria79


    Beth, the boys are pretty good with their dad. He can do things that I can't with them. Then I feel like the villian. I am going to sugesst that both he and I see a PHD. with the children maybe the problem is solely me. I am just not doing things on a level that the boys understand. Maybe I...
  3. victoria79


    Thank you Jwtrojan, I agree that sometimes I do let things slide, and maybe that leads them to think they can get away with it next time. But the next time I may be having a bad day, and they get into trouble, it confuses them. They think mom didn't get mad before. I noticed that you are...
  4. victoria79


    Okay, will try that see how it goes today I hope it does work. I am at the end of my rope. I can see where you are coming from with the spanking causeing them to be afraid and, teaching to hit in anger. Even though it can be tough to controll the way you punish, it isn't impossiable. I think...
  5. victoria79


    Thanks for all of the replies. I'll try a different aproach. My spankings are not at all harsh nor are they long maybe two swats on the butt, and never with the pants down. My parents really humilated us in that way, and my kids have to do something really bad to get a spanking. I will try...
  6. victoria79


    Hey everyone I have 4 1/2 yaer old twin boys. I was wondering if there is someone here, who could give me some advice. My boys are going through a phase where they are both wanting to be the leader and the two of them are so bull headed that it is driving me crazy. Well we went through the...
  7. victoria79

    big problem

    Terry, I am useing a hydrometer the sea test one, the salinity is at 14. and the spots started out looking the size of grains of salt and know they are somewhat larger and they aren't as spherical looking they are more clumpy and kind of transparent around the edges. he has one on his left...
  8. victoria79

    big problem

    hey, do you think that it could be something in the nature of the clownfish?
  9. victoria79

    reptile tank to give away

    Hey all, I have a 30 gallon long reptile tank to get rid of. I tried to reseal it and use it for fish, that just didn't work. So it became home to our red eared slider which died during a power outage back in the winter. I gladly give it away to anyone in the area who can come and get it.
  10. victoria79

    big problem

    I have had two false percs, for about two months now. I kept them in a 20 gallon hospital tank for a month and then introduced the pair to my 29 gallon tanke they were in there for about three maybe for days when I noticed this grouth on the smaller ones gill it looked like a ball of styrofoam...
  11. victoria79

    Sorry Guys

    Have you thought of an Oscar. I simply love mine I have him and a silver dollar, and pleco in a 75 not many fish but all three of them get pretty big and the oscar is the funniest fish also very friendly to. Has a bad habit of moveing things around the tank like the fake plants, he fights with...
  12. victoria79

    new: need info

    The tank will be 90 gallon. 48*18*24 and thanks for the speedy reply.
  13. victoria79

    new: need info

    I just want to say hello to everyone, and that I need some help selecting the fish that I want to keep before I start the cycling process. I had posted a thread in the Diy forum for help building a tank and now that I have found a good LFS to help I no longer need to build the tank. So, I want...
  14. victoria79

    tank building help

    Hello everyone I have been reading the posts here for quite some time, and I have decided to try and build my own tank; but I am afraid that without the black things on the top and bottom, the tank will come apart. Does anyone have experience with DIY tanks, or does anyone know where I could...