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  1. ???fish

    Toadstool Mushroom

    Moving the rock is not an option,, i have 4 VHO's (2-actinic 2-50/50) it love's it and has grown very fast. the only feeding i do is to put phytoplex into my 15g DIY surge tank
  2. ???fish

    Toadstool Mushroom

    i have a toadstool mushroom that has reached the top of the water line. i need options..... can i propagate,if so how????? should i just leave it be? what to ty for your responces
  3. ???fish

    From VHO's to MH

    i have a 75g w/4 VHO 2-atinic,,2-50/50 i have an anemone, toadstoll mushroom. elegance coral,maze coral,sun works great and everything is growing fast. if you'll have no prob with the extra heat that MH put out then go for it.make sure you have corals for it or you'll just be wasting light
  4. ???fish

    Got a dwarf lion today.

    I've had a dwarf lion for the last year or so. when i got him he was only about 1-1/2" and ate nothing but guppies. I'd say give him/her a few weeks to acclimate to the tank. Next is to ween him off live food..this can be difficult.i pretty much had to starve him for a week.then i started...
  5. ???fish

    Multiple Tangs

    i'd like to say thnx to everyone who replide. i think till i get a larger tank i'll refrane from adding any more tangs.....though a unicorn tang does sound interesting. ty, all
  6. ???fish

    Multiple Tangs

    I have a yellow tang in a 75g reef tank with a 30g sump, protein skimmer and U/V steralization. Are there any other tangs i can add to this tank?? My tang is territorial. If i add two more yellow tangs to form a school will i be able to then add any other tangs.i also have a 3stipe and blue damsel.