Multiple Tangs


New Member
I have a yellow tang in a 75g reef tank with a 30g sump, protein skimmer and U/V steralization. Are there any other tangs i can add to this tank??
My tang is territorial. If i add two more yellow tangs to form a school will i be able to then add any other tangs.i also have a 3stipe and blue damsel.

mr . salty

Active Member
A 75 is relly only large enough to house ONE tang..Why??You answered this yourself when you said he is very territorial.There is just not enough room in that tank for more than one territory...And three yellows in a 75 is out of the question...Sorry,but one is it...


Should you decide not to follow the above advice (and you should because it is accurate)
But should you choose to do otherwise--a tip would be NOT to add the other yellows (big trouble there) try a tang of different body style like the pacific blue (who is more oval) Make sure he's a little larger than your already established yellow. That would be your best bet if you really have your heart set on another tang.
Good Luck

richard rendos

Active Member
I wouldn't say that a 75 is too small for two tangs. But you would need to add them at the same time. I have a friend with a 75 with a yellow and a purple tang in it. He added them on the same day. Has had them for over 2 years and they never fight. The problem with adding tangs at different times is that you give one time to establish a territory. Add them together and they don't have time to do this.


Active Member
OK, I'm one of those guys whose goes against the grain.
do not put another zebrasoma surgeonfish into your tank. However there are a few other species of tangs that will live happily in your 75 gallon together.
1. Naso Tang (unicornfish)
2. Pallette tang (Hippo)
Just be careful during the acclimation - give the tank maybe a day and a half without lights.
Also if you chose the hippo (I have a yellow and a hippo together) watch for ICK.
It can be done and I've seen it often - you must mix your breeds and give them plenty of space and spaces to hide/swim around for success.


Active Member
75 not big enough for two tangs...period. You'll be doing them a disservice. We are not saying that they will not survive, they might, but they will not flourish. That s/b our goal.


I agree with the fact that two tangs can be kept together, but 75 gallons is too small for fish that large. Maybe if you had a larger tank. And as for the fish getting along, it all depends on the fish. I have two hippos that I purchased from the LFS, they came from the same tank, and they were both juveniles (about 3 inches each) when I purchased them. Since purchasing, the two have probably grown an inch or so each. They swim together and even hide together. When one comes out and swims around, the other is right behind following suit. These two get along great and I dont know how well they would do on their own.


New Member
i'd like to say thnx to everyone who replide.
i think till i get a larger tank i'll refrane from adding any more tangs.....though a unicorn tang does sound interesting.


this is the same line as a square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. Naso unicornis
is the name of a unicorn tang while the more common Naso lituratus is the naso tang that we all see in stores. if you want a unicorn tang just make sure you buy the right one.
honestly a 75 is to small for either of these very large tangs. both grow to over 2 feet in the wild. IMO a Naso (either species) tang should not be kept in a tank smaller than 100 and is a 6 foot so it has plenty of swimming space.