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  1. troubltime

    simplified maroon clown pairing how to's

    That is great! How long did it take for the little ones fins to start growing back??
  2. troubltime

    Is this a good RO/DI?

    Thank you for explaining. There are so many different ones out there and I want to get it right the first time. Can someone tell me what is the most important thing to have in a RO/DI? These are some of the features (so to speak) of the one I am looking at. Ultra RO / DI Unit RO75DI...
  3. troubltime

    Is this a good RO/DI?

  4. troubltime

    Is this a good RO/DI?

    I need to get a RO/DI filter and thought I would ask here if this one is good? Does anyone else have this one or one from this company. Are you happy with it? "edited to remove commercial website link"
  5. troubltime

    Whatdya Think?

    Very Nice!! :D
  6. troubltime

    Can someone identify this?

    Thank you. I think I will go get a couple today.
  7. troubltime

    Can someone identify this?

    Thanks a lot for answering. It figures it is a bad guy! :mad: I think there may be more than one in my tank. I will get to the LFS tomorrow and juice the little bugger. lovethesea: No, I don't have a peppermint shrimp. Why do you ask?
  8. troubltime

    Can someone identify this?

    This has been growing in my tank for months and it just gets bigger and bigger. I moved one of my lr's to get a good picture of it. Anyone know what it is and if it is good or bad?
  9. troubltime

    Help with bubble tip anemone

    My bubble tip anemone use to be big and open. For the last 4 months it has looked like this. Can someone help me out? I have a maroon clown that wants it's home back. :)
  10. troubltime

    Strange occurance???

    Ok, I got it out!!! I was watching it eat my coral so I had a friend pull it out with some tweasers and he took it home to put in his tank! Thanks for the help, you guys are great!! I will try to find out what kind of crab it is. Right now I am off to the SJ Sharks Play-off game against the...
  11. troubltime

    Strange occurance???

    He is about the size of a quarter, white with stripes and good size claws!! I am not a fan of claws!!:D
  12. troubltime

    Strange occurance???

    Thanks Brownleaf. I am not sure how to get it out! I tried to move it around so it would come out but he just held on and hid! I am concerned about digging around in the coral because it seems so fragile already. Have a suggestion about how to get the darn thing out??
  13. troubltime

    Strange occurance???

    Thanks for the welcome!! It is definately a crab. It is about the size of a quarter and it is white with stripes. Man I wish I knew what to do. I don't want to lose this coral. It is coming farther off the rock as the day goes on.
  14. troubltime

    X post - Help please - Crab in Pom Pom

    Ok, I got a Pom Pom Xenia about 2 weeks ago and it appears to be releasing itself from its rock. So, I start watching it really close and I see a claw reach out from inside the coral!!!! I was thinking I was seeing things so I kept watching and sure enough, there is a creature living in my Pom...
  15. troubltime

    Strange occurance???

    Hey, my first post!! Ok, I got a Pom Pom Xenia about 2 weeks ago and it appears to be releasing itself from its rock. So, I start watching it really close and I see a claw reach out from inside the coral!!!! :eek: I was thinking I was seeing things so I kept watching and sure enough, there is...