Strange occurance???


New Member
Hey, my first post!!
Ok, I got a Pom Pom Xenia about 2 weeks ago and it appears to be releasing itself from its rock. So, I start watching it really close and I see a claw reach out from inside the coral!!!! :eek: I was thinking I was seeing things so I kept watching and sure enough, there is a creature living in my Pom Pom!!! I did not buy it, so it was there when I bought the Pom.
Now, do I take it out or leave it?? Could this be why my coral is coming off its rock? I am so new to this and don't want to sound like an idiot but I am a novice.:D
Here is a picture. You can see that the Pom Pom is coming off the rock.


New Member
Thanks for the welcome!! It is definately a crab. It is about the size of a quarter and it is white with stripes. Man I wish I knew what to do. I don't want to lose this coral. It is coming farther off the rock as the day goes on.


Come to think of, I had a Decorative Crab did the same thing to one of my shroom. His about 1/2", and still half way under that shroom.:thinking:
Don't know what kind of Crab you got, best just take it out and keep it some where else and see what's up.


New Member
Thanks Brownleaf. I am not sure how to get it out! I tried to move it around so it would come out but he just held on and hid!
I am concerned about digging around in the coral because it seems so fragile already. Have a suggestion about how to get the darn thing out??


New Member
Ok, I got it out!!! I was watching it eat my coral so I had a friend pull it out with some tweasers and he took it home to put in his tank! Thanks for the help, you guys are great!! I will try to find out what kind of crab it is. Right now I am off to the SJ Sharks Play-off game against the Avs!!!