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  1. kspink

    Fish List?Socking Order?

    Hi, We have a 75G FOWLR with a 10G sump with a protein skimmer (can't remember what type sorry). Currently we have about 90lbs of live rock, several scarlet and blue let hermits, several astrea snails, and one blood shrimp. This tank has been up and running since January. We will be adding...
  2. kspink

    Worms? Now What?

    Well, he died in the night. We are taking him back to the LFS to see what he says. Any help would still be appreciated in case this happens again. Thanks
  3. kspink

    Worms? Now What?

    Hi, We recently purchased a Bangaii Cardinal. We have had him in quarantine for about a week. All water parameters are zero (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate). Unfortunately, he has not eaten anything (and we have tried everything). We noticed what looks like a worm coming out of his vent (long...
  4. kspink

    very sick blennie-help

    Beth, Yes, he still has spots. Noticed them Sunday and began treatment Monday. It is hard to tell whether the spots are all over because he has a white body and the spots are white, but we think they might be. How low do you drop the salinity? We do have a powerhead that adds to the...
  5. kspink

    very sick blennie-help

    Beth, We are trying to save this fish which is why we did the dip and copper treatment. We think he has a parasite-either marine velvet or white spot/ich. He doesn't have any open wounds or sores-nothing that looks bacterial. Except for the spots his fins are in good condition. Although now...
  6. kspink

    very sick blennie-help

    Hi, We bought our first fish-a red-lipped blennie. Put him in a quaratine tank that had been cycled for months-but we cleaned out the substrate before we added him and only put back some PVC pipe (as suggested). (this may have been a mistake in that the tank did not have a chance to recycle...
  7. kspink

    Blennie changing color

    Just a little update. Last night he was swimming around and had most of his normal color-just some blotchy patches around his head which get darker the closer we get to the tank. We fed him a little and he did eat. By late evening the dark patches were back over his entire body. And he seems...
  8. kspink

    Blennie changing color

    Hi, We brought home our first fish yesterday. Our quarantine tank has been running for months (so has the main tank). All the water parameters in both tanks are the same. Temperature, pH, salinity are all stable. We even slowly increased the salinity to match the water at our LFS. Ammonia...
  9. kspink

    temp problem

    Here's the deal with the vents. We plan on shutting off the ones on the upper floor to the areas not being used. The thermostat is on the ground floor where it is cooler so the upstairs (where the tank is) is always warmer. We have done this before for different reasons and it works. About...
  10. kspink

    temp problem

    We are having the same problem. The temperature is finally rising in the room (it too is on the second floor) and it seems that all that heat is focusing on the tank. We have taken the lid off to help air flow, closed the blinds, and turned up the ceiling fan. We just built a hood and are...
  11. kspink

    snails and acryllic

    From the subject, you can probably tell that we have an acryllic tank. We think we read somewhere that certain snails can actually scratch the acryllic. Unfortunately, can't find that particular information in the mass of books and magazines that have piled up. Is this true? If so, which...
  12. kspink


    Thanks for all the info. We saw a few and they are pink/red, but they are hard to spot. Katie
  13. kspink

    Rising Temperature

    Not sure what the name of the pumps are. But, we had them running and the temp had stabilized at 75 for a few days before we added the rock and light. Not worried about the house temp because it is below 70 at the moment-summer will change that of course. Pretty sure it was the light heating...
  14. kspink

    Rising Temperature

    Hi- We recently got our 75gal running. We have an acryllic tank with a built in overflow and a wet/dry sump/filter. We positioned our heaters in the overflow and the sump. The tank has two large openings that have lids (one with a small feeding hole-also with lid). We filled with distilled...
  15. kspink


    We just purchased our live rock for our tank. It is well cured, but we do see some bristleworms. Are these a problem? (other than avoiding contact) Also, our temperature began to rise after we added the rock. What could be going on here? It was stable before. Thanks, Katie
  16. kspink


    We are still in the planning stages of setting up our aquarium and are trying to get as much info as possible. Can you keep hawkfish with shrimp such as the coral banded and blood shrimp? I have heard mixed reports of the fish leaving them alone to eating them all. Is this just a personality...
  17. kspink

    will this community work together?

    cody, Got my stores mixed up. Never been to pet paradise. The place I was thinking of, with the fish quarantee, is in Lombard. Scott's has been hit or miss when it comes to fish, depending on when they get their shipments. They had a bunch right after Christmas. This is the place with the...
  18. kspink

    Is this brown stuff normal?

    ok. But, what about the brown stuff. Would like to know in case is shows up in the main tank as well. Also, with quaratine lasting up to a few weeks or longer, don't you need some kind of biological filtration? I think we have a small pump of some sort hooked up but I would have to read the...
  19. kspink

    Is this brown stuff normal?

    We put in flake food and some nori seaweed to cycle (plus the live sand).
  20. kspink

    Is this brown stuff normal?

    Hi, We just started our quarantine tank (10gal with crushed coral bed, a couple of rocks-not live, and inoculated with live sand that had a bonus hermit crab in it). It has been running about 10 days. Our water conditions have stabilized and our ammonia and nitrate have hit zero with the...