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  1. ramone

    Toxic Levels

    I have a 40 gallon SeaClear tank which has been up and running for over one year. Yesterday, my 2 year old son dumpped a 3/4 full can of flake food into the tank. I cleaned as much as I could off of the sand and the live rock and did a 30% water change. Today, the levels are slightly lower...
  2. ramone

    Air Bubbles

    I have a SeaClear System II 40 gallon, with LR and LS and I am running a skimmer. My question is this: How do I get rid of micro bubbles? I tried turning down the air flow to the protein skimmer and even turning it off but I still have bubbles. I also have a section on my front glass that has...
  3. ramone

    Chocolate Chip StarFish

    I have had this Chocolate Chip Starfish for about 4 months, today I noticed that he has a small white area on the end of his one arm. Can they get diseases, like fungas infections? or couuld it just be an injury that I should not worry about? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0"...
  4. ramone

    Possible ich breakout?!?!

    Here is one that I can recall off hand I find it very interesting : No other topic except for maybe water temperature spurs so much debate in the marine aquarium world. So, I will come out of the closet and clearly state now that I am not a supporter of the treatment of this ciliated protozoan...
  5. ramone

    Possible ich breakout?!?!

    I don’t know, but it sounds like to me that Frenchwitch knows what he/she is talking about. Especially with a back ground in Microbiology/Chemistry. I have read many articles on Ich and some say this and some say that. I guess you believe what you want to believe. I have read many articles...
  6. ramone

    Cloudy Water

    I don't know if this matters but I was using it on Formula 1 frozen food. I thawed out the cube and then cut it up and soaked it and then put it in. This is the only time that I have had cloudy water. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  7. ramone

    Cloudy Water

  8. ramone

    Cloudy Water

    Hopefully this might get me an answer! I know someone out there has used this product. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  9. ramone


    I have a Pencil Sea Urchin. I think that he is really cool but, he eats my coraline algee on my live rock. My question is: Will the coraline that he eats grow back or is it a good idea to get rid of him? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />
  10. ramone

    Cloudy Water

    I have just used a product called “Zoecon by Kent” to soak food in. Well, I soaked the food for about 5 minutes and put it into the tank. My water is now cloudy and has been for the last 2 hours. Has anyone else used this product and had a problem with cloudy water? How long will it take to...
  11. ramone

    Ich Question

    I have never had an ich outbreak yet, (knock on wood.) I was just wondering because of some of the posts I have been reading. I just seems to me that some people quarentine for 4 weeks and still have an outbreak in their main tank at some point, and some people don't quarentine and never have...
  12. ramone

    Ich Question

    Is Ich present in all fish and only come out in times of stress? I am a little confused by this. We are told to quarintine all new fish before placing them into the main tank but if we do that how do you get an out break in the main tank? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0"...
  13. ramone

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a painter. ******** and Faux Finish Painting. If anyone in the Pittsburgh area needs any painting done, contact me!!!!! Darrin :D
  14. ramone

    Please help with sand qs for new set up

    I am new to this hobby and you guys know better than me but, all of the books I have read and all of the questions that I have asked at my LFS advise against using play-ground sand. A quote from The New Marine Aquarium, by Michael Paletta. "Sandbox or play sand has no place in a marine...
  15. ramone

    Pencil Urchin on top

    My yellow tang has been munching on one of my feather dusters to the point where the only tube that is left is the part that is burried under the sand. Yesterday my Pencil Urchin wedged himself in between two pieces of LR and is now on top of the feather duster. Could he possibably eat or kill...
  16. ramone

    Feather Dusters

    My yellow tang has been nipping at my one feather duster. The last two mornings that the light has come on I have a stringy substance almost looks like spider webs floating in the water. Is this the by-product of the feather duster building a new tube? Also, I have what appears to be mini...
  17. ramone

    What media to use in my sump

    In regaurds to the response above, What if you have a tank that has LR and LS plus a pre-filter, Protein skimmer, bio-balls and charcoal? Does that mean that it is twice as good as just using LR and LS for your filtration? Just wondering ! <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0"...
  18. ramone

    Feather Dusters

    I have a yellow tang, two clown fish and two yellow tail damsels and a green chromis. I also have a CC starfish,pencil urchin,cleaner shrimp,blue and red legged crabs and turbo snails. I suspect that it is the tang nipping at it. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
  19. ramone

    Feather Dusters

    I have 1 feather duster in my tank. When I bought it about 5 weeks ago the tube was about 4 inches long, now it looks to be only 2 inches long. I have heard of them losing their feathers, but what about their tubes? I saw a little piece of the tube floating along the sand bed. Could...
  20. ramone

    Cleaning substrate

    As far as my cleaning crew, I have the following: 7 Turbo snails 4 Blue legged hermits 3 Red legged hermits 1 Cleaner shrimp 1 Pencil urchin 1 Chocolate chip starfish 1 Feather duster My sand bed is a mixture of Aragamax Select and Live sand. Maybe closer to 35 lbs. The sand bed depth is about...