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  1. ramone

    Cleaning substrate

    Two questions; How often are you supposed to siphon detritus and dirt from substrate? and is it true that when you top off your aquarium due to evaporation you are to use fresh water and not pre-mixed salt water of the same salinity? I have a 40 gallon aquarium with 30lbs. of LR and 30lbs. of...
  2. ramone


    Question, I have herd/read that fish can get ICH from being stresed. What I don't understand is; how does a fish in the display tank suddenly get a parasite (ICH) from being stressed if none (parasite) were introduced to the tank? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  3. ramone

    Dead Turbo snails!

    I just bought 3 turbo snails last week and I noticed today that one was on its back and one of my blue legged hermits was investigating the shell. Is it normal for turbo snails to end up on their backs? and do blue legged hermits bother or eat turbo snails? I don't want to keep buying them if...
  4. ramone

    Feeding a Yellow Tang

    Question, I just got a medium sized Yellow Tang the other day and I was told that I could feed him a varity of foods; flake, live and that they like Romain (sp?) lettuce. How do you feed him the lettuce? and how much? will others also eat this? how should I clean it before I put it in the...
  5. ramone

    Air Bubbles

    Quick question, I am new to this hobby, I have a 40 gallon SeaClear SystemII aquarium that has been up and running for two months. I have 30lbs of LR and 30lbs of LS in it as well as 6 fish and a cleaning crew of 11. I also am running a protein skimmer. My question is; it it normal to have...