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  1. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Originally posted by Buzz Don't choose the 10g as a display because you think you have no options. You do. If you would PREFER to use the 10g, then that's a different story. Enjoy! Well, In a perfect wourld I would like to set my 55 up as a reef with corals inverts and a FEW fish. The...
  2. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Originally posted by tangsfornuttin Curtis I think your idea to use the 10 gallon as the main tank and the 55 as the sump is brilliant. Pure genius. Don't skimp on lights, use 20 of your 30 lbs of LR in the 10 gallon, put the rest in the sump. Don't put more than 1 or 2 fish in the tank. I...
  3. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Originally posted by michael21 besides more water what would you additional costs be with respect to the 55 ? The biggest additional cost would be lighting for coral. And because im on such a tight budget it would take be a VERY LONG time to save the cash to get the lighting i desire.
  4. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Originally posted by beaslbob understand. so do a mini with some macro/marine plants. and use the 55 for a freshwater tank But I want to try my hand at reef/coral. And I dispise freshwater it has never intrested me in the least.
  5. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Well, Ideally I would like to set my 55 up as a reef with corals inverts and a FEW fish. The thing I'm worried about is spending all that money to set a 55 reef and finding it to be something that doesn’t interest me as much as I thought it would. I would rather start small do that for a good...
  6. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Originally posted by beaslbob sounds to me like setting up your 55g would be the way to go. If you already have 30# of lr and ls then use that to seed play sand and base rock. But lights would cost a bundle and I said I wanted to do a mini reef. Also, we live in an older neighborhood so...
  7. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    You said it better then me...:D Correct
  8. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Originally posted by Buzz What is a good bit of LS and LR? You may be able to do more with the 55g than you initially think. 30 lbs of each.
  9. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Originally posted by Sinner's Girl smaller tanks are harder to keep esp for a may want to try the Nano board for tips/ideas I was under the impression that the Nano tanks are hard to maintain because there is so little water that any poluntants that contaminate the water source...
  10. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    Well, i have a good bit of equipment because i started off on the 55 and later relized i didnt have the cash i needed to do what i want so and have a good bit of LS and LR(plenty for a 10 gal tank) a protine skimmer and so on.
  11. curtis12282

    Idea to save money?

    I was thinking about setting up a 10 gal reef type tank with a 55 gal sump would this be ok? The reason I want to set up the 10 gal tank is because my cash is very limited right now and I would like to start learning to take care of corals and inverts without having to invest several hundreds of...
  12. curtis12282

    3 quick questions

    Last night I was looking at my tank after the lights had gone out and I spotted what looked like a light brown rollie pollie on one of my pieces of live rock I watched him for about 30 min until I lost sight of him. Anyone have any idea what this could have been? Today I was looking in my tank...
  13. curtis12282

    Looking for peoples opinions

    The type of water I am using now comes from a machine in front of a local grocery store. It says in big bold letters "distilled water" And some brand name, i cant recall at the moment
  14. curtis12282

    Looking for peoples opinions

    I read somewhere that a good indication that a tank has completed its cycle is that the brown algae turns green. Is this a good rule of thumb?
  15. curtis12282

    Looking for peoples opinions

    The tank has been running for 3 weeks now with LR and LS from day one The water im using is Tap, but after reading a bit on here did a water change with some bottled water and plan on continusly doing so Also, the .25 ammonia has been constant for the past 1½-2 weeks. I think it may be some of...
  16. curtis12282

    Looking for peoples opinions

    Do you think mabey I should go ahead and take the damsels out now and go ahead and use the shrmip method considering i dont plan to keep the damsels in there once the tank is cycled?
  17. curtis12282

    Looking for peoples opinions

    Ok, first off my LFS is total crap; they jack up their prices ridiculously high and only offer advice that makes them money. They sell LR at my LFS but I had to ask 3 different employees before I could find anyone who could tell me if the LR they sold was cured or not. When I first decided to do...
  18. curtis12282

    What is this?

    I found some, what appeared to be, reddish brown (more brown) slime. It is creeping over a piece of live rock it is very smooth and soft looking but hard to the touch. During mid day it looks like it is cracking open but when the lights go out the cracks get smaller and the possess repeats when...