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  1. firnobulax

    What's In A Name

    Ok, you asked. Being a fan of Frank Zappa all of my handles are derived somehow from a Zappa tune... If you listen to Zappa at all you will know what I am talking about and if you do not listen to Zappa then now is the time to start! Firnobulax is a mutation of the name that Zappa gave the evil...
  2. firnobulax

    watts per gallon for refugium?

    guppie, when you refer to "grow bulb" are you talking about a generic hardware store plant light? or an aquatic light(ie. coralilfe)? I'm also looking to attach a refugium to my tank and am interested in what others are doing for lighting. - Ian
  3. firnobulax

    Milk in my water?

    Thanks for the responces! I have a few ideas to try now and will probably use a hybrid combo method: 1/3 waiting, 1/3 LR, 1/3 clean it out! Reef tanks are not for the impatient..... - firnobulax
  4. firnobulax

    Milk in my water?

    Hello all, I got a dilema .... This is my second reef setup so I thought I would try something new. I went with a DSB of CaribSea Aragonite Sugar Sized Sand. This is a big problem. I just figured that I would add the sand then add the water. To my dismay I now have a tank of "milk" that has not...