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  1. pluchinsky

    ? about quarantine tank size

    we're converting to a 125-gallon tank. i was planning on converting our 55-gallon into a quarantine and buying another tank for a sump. My husband wants to make the 55 a sump & get an even smaller tank for the quarantine. what size tank is sufficient for a quarantine? how much of an effect...
  2. pluchinsky

    protein skimmers

    I want an effective but easy to set up & maintain protein skimmer for a 125-gallon tank. I have no idea how the different brands & types compare to eachother. Each brags about its own perk ( a patented "triple pass" system, bubble-reducing flow pattern..) I don't know what's best to have.
  3. pluchinsky

    confused about live sand

    i decided to definitely redo my aquariem with aragonite live sand. now, when i go to order, there's 5 different kinds. they're talking about mm and whether it's a berlin setup. i've never even heard of a berlin setup! what do i need to know about live sand as a substrate for a fish- only tank?
  4. pluchinsky

    best substrate

    a disease pretty much wiped out my tank. i'm breaking the entire thing down & starting over with the knowledge i've gained since i started. i heard that the crushed coral i used as a substrate is a nitrate trap & sand might be a better substrate to use. i'm only interested in fish (no coral...
  5. pluchinsky

    feeding harlequin tusk

    i'm getting a harlequin tusk tomorrow & i was wondering what anyone else with one got it to eat. i'm a little nervous b/c what i read about it suggests the same foods as they do for a lionfish (offering live foods at first). the lionfish is the saltwater fish i originally fell in love with...
  6. pluchinsky

    Please help!

    yes, i did add new fish that must have brought in something with them. i, actually, have fewer fish now though b/c i got rid of some of the old ones. if it is a fungal infection, will that maracyn-2 help? (love the pic, by the way!)
  7. pluchinsky

    Please help!

    pH is perfect. my water's testing fine. the ammonia's up slightly but that happens when i add new fish.
  8. pluchinsky

    Please help!

    the tang that died had yellow streaks & wouldn't eat. then, the angel got red around its fins, wouldn't eat & was laying around, breathing really fast. now, all the fish are laying around, breathing fast. i started the marycin (i think that's how it's spelled) yesterday but i don't know how...
  9. pluchinsky

    Please help!

    i know they say not to but all my fish were coming up sick; so i wanted to treat them all & i have no interest in keeping any invertebraes or anything that can be affected by the meds. i just want to know if there's anything else i can do now.
  10. pluchinsky

    Please help!

    I finally got my tank looking like I wanted & ALL my fish are dying! I lost my yellow tang & bicolor angel already. They quit eating, got red patches & were breathing really fast. I started Marycin in the tank yesterday but my heart broke when I looked in to see every single fish laying...
  11. pluchinsky


    first, my tang got red patches on it & died. Now, my bicolor angel isn't coming out to eat & looks red around his fins. What's going on & how can I keep the rest of my fish from dying? (I tested my water & it's ok.)
  12. pluchinsky

    flame angel

    i really want to put a flame angel in my tank. i had one die before & found out that there was a problem with, I beleive, cyanide poisoning from the way they were being caught. is this still a problem or is it safe for me to try again?
  13. pluchinsky


    what crabs, if any, can be kept in a tank with some living rock & no anemones? and will they get along with the fish & eachother?