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  1. fnksterr

    Finicky Eaters

    almost a week
  2. fnksterr

    Finicky Eaters

    I have a few problems with eating. I have a orange skunk clown (3/4- 1") that won't swallow anything. I’ve gave him f. brine, pellet, pieces of algae, formula one. everything he puts into his mouth comes right back out. I know fish have no saliva so they have to do this sometimes but he never...
  3. fnksterr

    whats wrong with my sailfin

    i dont know what is wrong with him. it started out as ich, thought i treated him but it kept progressing and is now out of control and doesnt even look like ich anymore. his fins are splitting and it looks almost as if hes peeling. i used malachite green to treat him. does anybody know what he...
  4. fnksterr

    racoon butterfly diet

    i recently bought a racoon butterfly and am having trouble getting him to eat. i feed him red algae which he picks at and he'll also pick at my rock but thats it. i tried to give him mysis but he nipped at it and wasn't quite interested. my other fish eat and their bellies are huge, he's not...
  5. fnksterr

    worms, worms, worms

    how do i get rid of them?
  6. fnksterr

    worms, worms, worms

    ok i got a 75 gal reef turned into fish only. all of a sudden these little tiny, small, white, hard worms have been growing on all my rock and glass and everything they can clinge on. im able to scrap them off but they reappear theyre curled up and are about 3mm across. does anyone know what...
  7. fnksterr

    Is my LR dying or growing back slow?

    i have a 75gal with tonga LR in it. the tank as been set up for 2 months and the initial die off has taken place. about a week ago i had a big brown algae bloom, so i added a clean up crew of hermits and snails. they have just about taken care of all the algae. my rock however is ghostly white...
  8. fnksterr

    burning live rock????

  9. fnksterr

    burning live rock????

    well i plan on putting hard and soft corals in. will this still be enough light?
  10. fnksterr

    burning live rock????

    just curious, you say it isn't enough light to do anything, does that also include keeping it alive or is that not enough light?
  11. fnksterr

    burning live rock????

    is it possible to burn the live rock and kill it with to intense of lighting. the lr is in a 75 gal with two blue actinic bulbs and to pc bulbs (8,000k). i keep them on about 9 hours.
  12. fnksterr

    live rock dying off?

    just started up the reef tank, its been running for 3 days now. i have 50 pounds of tonga fusion lr that is currently cycling the tank. my question is, when i took the lr out of the box it flourished with pink coloration and somewhat of a green alage. the lr has also been in there for 3 days but...
  13. fnksterr

    new reef tank chemistry

    ok i just started a new reef tank but haven't put all the saltwater in yet. all the water has been filterd and is circulating in garbage cans right now. ive tested all the water for things such as copper, nitrates, phosphates, silica, etc. everything is in good parameters except for the silica...
  14. fnksterr

    feeding my anemone

    i have a tomato bubble tip and was wondering how to feed it and what?
  15. fnksterr

    food for angel

    what greens besides seaweed is good for a koran to eat. are such things like lettuce, etc ok for them?
  16. fnksterr

    live, dead, or dying?

    ok this figi live rock has been curing for almost a week, and keeps getting browner by the day, is it dead or dying, or coming back to life or what? it has circulation and airation
  17. fnksterr

    another live rock curing question

    ok iv'e had my figi live rock curing for 3 days now and some of the pieces are beginning to turn brown. is this normal? if not, what can i do to fix it?
  18. fnksterr

    Koran and Sailfin ?

    First off, i was curious if anyone new about what size a koran angel begins to show signs of loosing its juvenile markings. i think he is still to small but hes getting small faded color spots in places. as of now hes about 2 in. my other question is what do sailfin tangs prefer most. it seems...
  19. fnksterr

    Live Rock Curing

    if you get it straight from the wholesaler, wouldn't it have already been cured by them or should it be cured again, reguardless. if so, what is the best way to do that?
  20. fnksterr

    Live Rock Curing

    how important is it to cure live rock once you receive it whether it has been previously done or not