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  1. robinfly

    What goes between tank and lights?

    My Custom Sea Life brand PC's came with a warning that they aren't supposed to be operated over open water. My canopy's only 6 or 8 inches high and I'd be worried about salt encrusting on the bulbs if I were to remove the glass covers.
  2. robinfly

    Zoe vs. Zoecon

    The food-soaking instructions on the Zoecon bottle specify to add 4 drops of Zoe for every drop of Zoecon that you use. It seems odd to me that they wouldn't just premix the two if Zoecon isn't supposed to be used alone, but then again it might be a tactic to get people to buy both products...
  3. robinfly

    I took a bath in RO water!

    I've made tea with RO/DI water - I have to say, it's not very tasty. It's so bland it's almost 'dry' tasting, particularly when you compare it with normal drinking water.
  4. robinfly

    My experience with anemones, bad to good

    I'm trying my 2nd anemone now - the first was a LT that didn't fare too well under my 1 watt per gallon lighting at the time. :rolleyes: The current one was labeled a LT at my LFS, but looks more like a pink/violet sebae if you ask me. Do you really feed it only 2 krill a month? I've been...
  5. robinfly

    A few dead Turbo Snails

    I myself am not a big fan of the turbos. I've purchased two sets of 6 in the past year and half of them have died. Those that have lived are nowhere near as effective as a 'cleaning crew' as other common snail species. I acclimate 'em about 45 minutes, pouring water into the bag slowly until...
  6. robinfly

    Who wants to see more PICS here?!

    Oh, and just fyi - I have a web cam on my homepage that's directed at the side of my 55. Not the greatest view of the tank (I'd do much better if I extended the length of the camera's cable), but at least I can watch my tangs play all day while I'm at work :D
  7. robinfly

    Who wants to see more PICS here?!

    Posted elsewhere on this board, here's the creepy red eyes of a hitchhiker crab that's terrorizing (not really :p) my tank:
  8. robinfly

    WHAT IS THIS CRAB ???????????????

    Yikes! I hope it's not really a threat to it's tankmates, because I think that the same type of crab hitchhiked into my tank along with some live rock that I purchased recently. It's body is larger than a quarter in size, and gray-green-black in appearance with a reddish-orange underbelly. So...
  9. robinfly

    55 to 75 - should I do it

    I wish I had gone for the 75 as well - the dimensions are excellent, aren't they? Plus, it's prolly the largest tank that landlords would allow apartment dwellers such as myself to have ;) Have you looked into 90 gallon tanks as well? My LFS has a Clarity Plus 90 gallon with a built in...
  10. robinfly


    That's a lot of fish to stock in a 60 or an 80 gallon, IMO. I only have 2 tangs in my 55, and one (a sailfin) has grown so quickly over the last 2 years that I'm afraid I'll have to find it a new home in another year or two. Also consider what else you're planning on putting in the tank. LR...
  11. robinfly

    risc what do you keep in your 12000g?

    Originally posted by wrigley11: As for pic's... I'll probably shoot a roll tonight or wait until the digital one arrives. As for a visit, anything after the holidays would be fine.[/QB] Hah, I have a great digital camera - I'll take some shots when I eventually come over to take some of that...
  12. robinfly

    water temp.

    That's a relief to hear - I informed my LFS that I'm interested in getting into corals, and when they heard that my tank runs at 79 degrees they told me that I'd have to purchase a chiller system! :mad:
  13. robinfly

    New 90 Gallon Setup Questions

    PC lighting can be mounted much closer to the water (err, glass that covers the water that is - can't do open water setups), and runs reasonably cool with accompanying fans. The only reason I went with PC over MH is the heat issue - That, and a huge 12-18 inch custom hood would kinda dwarf my...
  14. robinfly

    PC lighting

    I don't think that 6100k + 6100k = 12200k temperature lighting. The intensity / wattage is doubled, but the temperature remains the same at 6100k. I have the exact same lighting setup that you do, and I've been irritated with the yellowish tint that I'm getting as well. Is it just me, or do...
  15. robinfly

    Powder Blue tangs

    I've had a Powder Blue and a Sailfin together in my 55 for over a year now, and I've never had any parasite problems. They've gotten a bit territorial ever since I recently doubled the amount of LR in the tank, but 99% of the time they get along fantastically, almost as if they're schooling.
  16. robinfly

    Trace elements

    It's my understanding that regular water changes should replenish these trace elements. For good measure, I'm also mixing a small amount of Kent's Osmosis-prep into all water I change into the system.
  17. robinfly

    Got my RO/DI, but now I'm confused!

    Thank you very much, I had all but given up on getting a response. The unit's been working out fantastically, and I'll be picking up a TDS meter ASAP :D
  18. robinfly

    Can't find my horseshoe crab!!!

    Provided that it's not dead, this is actually a sign that your tank is doing well. If there is insufficient food for the crab in the substrate, it will spend more time crawling about on the surface looking for food.
  19. robinfly


    Wrigley - do you sell tank raised Xenia? I'm looking to get started with keeping corals, and I'd rather find tank raised specimens than purchase ones harvested from the wild (lfs). Are Xenia a good 'beginners' coral? Boy, I need to pick up a book or two on the subject sometime soon :rolleyes:
  20. robinfly

    Anemone not as 'full' as he was

    Don't Sebae anemonies require a low temperature tank? I was drooling over a purple tipped Sebae a while back at my lfs, but they told me I'd need to keep my tank's temperature in the low 70's. I kinda wrote off the possibility of keeping those animals without doing further research. Is this...