Search results

  1. lightfoot

    Bad luck or what

    When I acclimate the fish to my tank I usually leave them in the tank for about an hour so they will have the same water temp. then I open the bag and put about 1/4 cup of my water ever 5 mins until the water in the bag doubles then i pour 1/2 that out and do the same thing once it doubles again...
  2. lightfoot

    Bad luck or what

    I've had my tank now for about 4 months and just started placing fish in it in the last month and every fish I put in the tank seems to die. The fish do real well when i first put them in the tank they eat and are fine then all a sudden they stop eating and die after my flamed angle died I...
  3. lightfoot

    organisms in the tank

    At night with the lights out I have noticed these little organisms swimming in the tank like a pack of gnats, they are clear to light pink with black eyes any ideas on what these might be.
  4. lightfoot

    fish feeding suggestions

    Thanks for the info I'll do that
  5. lightfoot

    tank mates

    I was looking to add a flamed hawk to my tank and was wondering if he would be ok with a sailfin tang, hippo tang and flamed angle plus I have peppermint shrimp and a could of blennies.
  6. lightfoot

    fish feeding suggestions

    I just purchashed a sailfin tang he has been in my tank for about 3 days and doesnt seem to eat alot any suggestions here I am already feeding him brine flakes,romaine lettuce and seaweed selects
  7. lightfoot

    general fish questions

    All I have in there right now is peppermint shrimp,emerald crabs,sally lightfoot crab,hermit crabs and snails.
  8. lightfoot

    live rock and live sand

    I bought live fiji rock and in several places on the rock are these yellow masses that look like spider egg sacks, there is one big one that opens and closes what are these. also I have about an inch of live sand what is a good level and should I add any sand sifting star fish or something like...
  9. lightfoot

    general fish questions

    I have had my flamed angel fish for about 2 weeks, it seems to be doing real well eats all the time so now my question about a week ago I noticed on its tail there was a perfect circle and now it is ripped out should I be worried or just an accident.
  10. lightfoot

    feeding fish

    Hi, I am new to this board and also to this hobby, so I have a few questions about feeding and what types of food to feed my fish I have only two fish right now a Blue eye tang and a flamed angel, I am feeding them krill soaked in minerals is this good or bad also i am having a problem with the...