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  1. seaweed

    Does anyone know about Starfish splicing?

    Hi Ophiura, I have two brittle stars that I've had almost a year now. Both healthy and doing well.
  2. seaweed

    Does anyone know about Starfish splicing?

    I do a lot of ocean fishing on the Long Island sound and I've seen how starfish are eliminated from the clam beds. A troller runs this mop-like device over and around the areas of the clam beds, scooping up the starfish. They then dunk these mops into these boiling vats of water, melting them. I...
  3. seaweed

    Does anyone know about Starfish splicing?

    It seems kind of cruel to do this to the starfish, but people have told me otherwise.
  4. seaweed

    Does anyone know about Starfish splicing?

    I've heard that this is one method of growing new starfish. I wanted to know if anyone is familiar with the practice of starfish splicing? That is, where you splice off one of the arms of a starfish high enough on the appendage to grow a new starfish. Has anyone ever tried this and is it...
  5. seaweed

    Eels bite hard

    When mine jumped out of the net, I used a sheet of paper, slid it underneath. I saw that beak on the snowflake and said, "I don't think I'm using my fingers."
  6. seaweed

    Sick Spiney Urchin?

    That's what I thought. My phosphates were real high, but they are back down to a normal level and my nitrites are good.
  7. seaweed

    Sick Spiney Urchin?

    Thanks. I've had mine almost a year also, and like your urchin has lost and grown back spines. Mine has gone completely bald now. Something tells me it was because of the water conditions.
  8. seaweed

    Sick Spiney Urchin?

    Recently I have posted a question about problems I had with hair algae, PH being low and phosphates being high. As mentioned before, I'm in the process of fixing those problems. However, it's possible that my urchin being sick is a result of those other problems. What's happend to it is that it...
  9. seaweed

    Clarkii Clown Behavior?

    Does anyone know why Clarkii Clowns sometime push against objects like dead corals and live rock and fan thier tails pushing the sand away? Mine has always done that and I never knew why.
  10. seaweed

    Will Low PH Contribute to Algae Growth

    Thanks guys for all the help and comment. This has answered a lot of my questions. Caulerpa? Can you keep it in a tank without the refugium or will the snails and crabs get to it?
  11. seaweed

    Will Low PH Contribute to Algae Growth

    It's a 90 gallon reef with LR LS, nine fish, couple of star fish, about 1/2 dozen snails, couple of shrimp, green carpet anenome. I've had it set up for about 16 months now. I think part of my problem was overfeeding. I'm using PH 8.3 Seacham marine buffer to fix the PH level and Kent Marine...
  12. seaweed

    Will Low PH Contribute to Algae Growth

    I've had a bad bloom of the green hair algae. I know one of my problems is Phosphate in my tap water, but what other factors contribute to it. I did a PH test and it was low, around 7.9 Does low PH worsen algae growth. I'm in the process of fixing my phosphate and PH problem. Also, my salinity...
  13. seaweed

    What on planet Earth is this?

    Thanks Josh. Hell yeah. I was totally freaked out when I first saw it. Like Surfing Sam said, it looks like the alien from the movie Sphere. I'd say he's about six inches in length. He just gracefully floats, swimming around real slowly.
  14. seaweed

    What on planet Earth is this?

    Thanks! I will, hopefully I won't find any more freaky looking fish like this guy. He dissapeared by morning. He seems to be pretty peaceful I didn't see him picking on the corls or inverts. Hopefully he will stay that way.
  15. seaweed

    What on planet Earth is this?

    Broomer, I've bought a few critters from this site including a variety of different crabs, shrimp, starfish and one flame scallop. If it is an American eel, I'm thinking that it might of been a larva that was in the live sand I bought. When I switched my 55 gallon for my 90 gallon back in...
  16. seaweed

    What on planet Earth is this?

    I'm kind of curious as to how he got in my tank. In the live rock I ordered a couple months back or somewhere else.
  17. seaweed

    What on planet Earth is this?

    Thanks for the info Broomer. It sure does look like an American eel. It's got these wierd gold looking eyes and a body that is transparent. I just hope that it is not dangerous to any of the other critters in my tank. It looks harmless enough, but it sure does give me the creeps. lol
  18. seaweed

    What on planet Earth is this?

    Okay, last night I took a flashlight to my tank around midnight to see how some of my shrimp and other inverts were doing and I got totally blown away by what I saw. I grabbed my digital camera and snapped this creepy alien fish: Does anyone know what this is? Could it have come piggy backed on...
  19. seaweed

    How do I get my mushrooms to stay?

    I've been trying to get my mushroom corals to stay on a rock after I clipped them off the original rock they were on. I read that some people glue them onto the new rocks. Does anyone know what kind of adhesive or glue is used to keep them on the rock? Thanks!
  20. seaweed

    Hay all you sandsifting star owners..

    I've had one now for about a month and a half and he's doing great. I have about 3 1/2 to 4 inches of live sand. I've got to say that they seem to be one of the hardier speces of stars. My atlantic brittle hides in the live rocks all day, but my sand surfaces and submerges throughout the day and...