Sick Spiney Urchin?


Recently I have posted a question about problems I had with hair algae, PH being low and phosphates being high. As mentioned before, I'm in the process of fixing those problems.
However, it's possible that my urchin being sick is a result of those other problems. What's happend to it is that it started to loose all of its spines to the point where it is bare now. It's sitting with little movement in some live rock, but all indications are that it's still alive. It moves now and then, and has all of its color. Anyone come across this before?
Just as a reminder I have a 90 gallon with lr, ls, my PH is back up to about 8.1 and climbing, my phosphates dropping down to low levels and normal readings on nitrates and nitrites. My calcium is where it should be too.
Hopefully my urchin will begin to recover. Any thoughts would help.
I dont know how much this is going to help. But my urchin has lose a few spines but has always grew twice as many back. I have had mine almost a year.
Sarah :)


Thanks. I've had mine almost a year also, and like your urchin has lost and grown back spines. Mine has gone completely bald now. Something tells me it was because of the water conditions.


urchin losing spines can be a sign of water quality issues. How high are your phosphates and nitrates ?


That's what I thought. My phosphates were real high, but they are back down to a normal level and my nitrites are good.


Active Member
They are extremely intollerant of pH swings, low specific gravity, alk fluctuations, and the like. I would agree that it was your water quality...quite possibly the pH issues (you shouldn't correct that too fast by overbuffering, as a quick swing up can cause stress). It is possible it will recover, however, it is a sign of extreme stress to lose all of its spines. Watch for any deterioration in water quality indicating that it might be dead.