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  1. newworldfish

    200 gl shark tank

    There is a video on my blog of the sharks eating... There you can really see how big the tank is but aparently I can't show you where my blog is... send me an IM if you want to see it... Ro
  2. newworldfish

    200 gl shark tank

    Originally Posted by psusocr1 nice sharks.. def. need a larger tank and some rockwork for them to hide in so they feel comfortable and safe.. all bamboos love to hide for a part of the day to to relax. I was afraid that if I had more rock on the bottom, it would take swimming space away...
  3. newworldfish

    200 gl shark tank

    Originally Posted by MIKE22cha I think www.******.com would be cheaper, IMO. The thing about glass aquariums is that they are heavier than acrylic ones so the shipping would be more expensive.
  4. newworldfish

    200 gl shark tank

    The tank is 72 Inches lenght by 24 inches wide and 30 inches height. It's actually just over 220 gallons. I have a Sump and trickle filter under the aquarium that is 50 extra gallons. I hope they can stay in this one for the next year at least... I have a bigger tank in mind but I would have...
  5. newworldfish

    200 gl shark tank

    Here are some pictures of my 200 gallon Bamboo shark aquarium. There is a yellow head eel and a large panther grouper too. I have a video of the eating in my blog. Ro
  6. newworldfish


    do you think 2 3 inch horses in a 24g tank with 2 small perculas is too much? I'm not sure that mixing seahorses with perculas is a great idea. Make sure they are not picking or intimidating her at all. The color will come to her as soon as she feels comfortable in her new home. Ro{EDIT LINK}
  7. newworldfish

    Pictures of my Dwarf seahorse breeding tank

    This one is of a Male actually giving birth!!! Ro{EDIT LINK}
  8. newworldfish

    Pictures of my Dwarf seahorse breeding tank

    My computer messed up while posting this thread... Moderators please delete this one..
  9. newworldfish

    Pictures of my Dwarf seahorse breeding tank

    This is one of my Dwarf Seahorse (H. Zosterae) breeding tanks. I have 4 pairs in this one. Ro {EDIT LINK}
  10. newworldfish

    Corals for Dwarf ponies

    Do you mean filtered by the tank's filter or eaten by the coral?? It depends on what you have for filtration. I use a hydrosponge on my H. Zosterae tank conected to a biowheel filter. some times a baby or two will get stuck regardless and a few even make it all the way to the biowheel. The...
  11. newworldfish

    Seahorses and Ponies

    I have a dwarf seahorse thank (H. zosterae) with 5 pair that are constantly mating and giving birth and I leave the babies with them and I have had no problem from the parents or the other seahorses. A while back I had a hydra invasion that came with the brine shrimp and they ate some of the...