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  1. jpardi


    I put live sand in last night and this morning when I woke up I see a red worm in the sand but against the glass. Should I take it out or keep it? Its about an inch long has red on half and more of a brown on the other half. Thanks
  2. jpardi

    live sand?

    I had a freshwater tank that I did a couple years back and I put regular, aquarium sand into my tank and i clogged all my filters and powerhead. How do I avoid that, when I buy the new sand. Thanks
  3. jpardi

    live sand?

    I have a 29 gal. that I have been running for 2 months it has almost completed its cycle. I do have a clean up crew in it consisting of 2 emerald crabs, 15 hermits, and a 2 turbo snails. MY question is, I started this tank with pretty much no salt water experiance, now I have just regular...
  4. jpardi

    Cooling your tank

    Coming into the summer months here how do you guys keep the temp. down in the tank? Here in California we have had a huge warming trend recently and my tank has warmed up to 81 just curious whats the best way to keep a consistant temp. in the tank? I have a 29 gal. Thanks
  5. jpardi


    thanks guys I returned it a bought a AquaC nano much better
  6. jpardi


    I just bought a Prism protein skimmer. I dont know if its working correctly. IS the collection cup supposed to be full of water and It also just seem to be putting lots of air bubbles in my tank. Is this hows this works? Thanks
  7. jpardi

    My test results

    I have tons of brown algee on the bottom and walls, will this go away, I guess I have not properly cycled the tank, nothing has died, everything seems healthy, I have a couple demsals in there aswell that are doing good.
  8. jpardi

    My test results

    I have been running the tank for a month and a half. I have 16 pounds of live rock, 15 hermits, 2 snails, and 2 emerald crabs. Thanks
  9. jpardi

    My test results

    Here are my test results, what do it need? ph-between 8.2-8.4 nitrite2- 0.25 ammonia- 0.25 nitrate3- 5.0 thanks
  10. jpardi

    Brown algee

    I bought another powerhead that was 300g/hour and it blew everything around in my tank, my anemone started doing circles through the tank and the fish were pinned against the wall. Where should I place them?
  11. jpardi

    Brown algee

    I keep my light on 10-12 hours a day and I have a 220g/hour powerhead, Also If I bought a protein skimmer would that help? Thanks
  12. jpardi

    Brown algee

    In the past 3 days my tank has been overtaken with brown algee. Its a 29 gal. I have 15 hermits, 2 snails, and 2 emrald crabs What can I do, its ugly. Thanks
  13. jpardi

    Help...Clown fish sick...

    I did a water change yesterday. The tank is month and half old. I took a sample do to my local fish store and everything tested good.
  14. jpardi

    Help...Clown fish sick...

    I have a Percula Clown Fish that I just came home and he is not really swimming, but he has a Pink film on his skin. What can I do to save him? What is this problem? Thanks
  15. jpardi

    Help.... Salinity?

    How do I lower my salinity? I'ts high right now? Thanks
  16. jpardi

    Which filter to buy?

    Yea I have plenty of light I just bought a coralife MH light. Which brand protein skimmer is recomended?
  17. jpardi

    Which filter to buy?

    I have a 29 gal. tank right now that I just have a bio wheel filter on, I was told to either get a sump or a wet/dry filter. What is recommended for my tank? I dont have any thing crazy in it, just some live rock, white sebae anenome. Also what are the benefits between sump vs. wet/dry...
  18. jpardi

    Hermit Crabs?

    Sorry to sound stupid, but what is "lps" and "sps" Really new here Thanks
  19. jpardi

    Hermit Crabs?

    I have a coralife mh light that i bought a week ago.
  20. jpardi

    Hermit Crabs?

    I have a 29 gal. tank that I have been running for a little bit. I have some brown algee started to form on the bottom, so I read that I need to get some crabs or snails. How many crabs should I get for my tank? Also right now I have some demsels, percula clown, and a white sebae anemone...