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  1. sweettooth162

    my foxface

    i have 2 neon gobys that i think are attacking my foxface. he is colored like a zebra and is hiding behind a powerhead. should i be worried? he is brand new to the tank but the gobys have been in there for 2 months or so
  2. sweettooth162

    i am having fish trobles

    the thumb thing doesn't help cause i bet your thumb isn't the same size as mine but ya know what i mean right?
  3. sweettooth162

    i am having fish trobles

    goldentail, about the thickness of my thumb
  4. sweettooth162

    i am having fish trobles

    i currently own a eel and a trigger(getting rid of the trigger on thursday) but i did own a rainbow wrasse up untill today. i went to clean the tank and he normaly is flying in and out of the rocks waiting for me to leave. well today i didn't see him. so i went looking for him(scared the crap...
  5. sweettooth162


    ok so a mini cycle anyone know how long 10 15 inches of fish can survive in a 5 gallon bucket?
  6. sweettooth162

    Giving Away 55 Gal.!!!!!

    wished you lived in ny. you ship i pay(for shipping)?
  7. sweettooth162

    Shark Eggs (bamboo/cat) ... Hypo-Salinity ... Ich ... ?

    someone tell me what hypo is?
  8. sweettooth162


    ok i have a 20g tank with 2 springers dottybacks and 2 blue spot jawfish(both pairs) 15lbs lr and 2 inches of crushed coral 1 inch ls 170 penguin bio wheel 1 horseshoe crab 4 turbo snails. what i want to do is take the lr the filter and the sand/crush coral and move it into a 30g. if i move...
  9. sweettooth162

    about to build 140g

    how would you guys recomend filtering it?
  10. sweettooth162

    Best way to build a large tank?

    maybe this is asking alot NOVICE150 but i was wondering if you have any step by step process of how you did this. not only the construction of the tank but also the filtration and lighting. with all the equipment you used. thanks. p.s. i looked on that ciclid site earlier and i didn't see an...
  11. sweettooth162

    i want a bigger eel

    not even a trig or a big angel?
  12. sweettooth162

    switch over

    set up as i break down and yes argonite aka crushed coral
  13. sweettooth162

    anyone every built there own tank?

    i was thinking about going with particle board for the back and 2 sides a piece of glass for the front and the top i have no clue what i plann on doing for a "hood" it is going to be an agressive tank so i don't need lighting.
  14. sweettooth162

    anyone every built there own tank?

    if so, how? what were the specs, how did you seal it. what kind of filtration. lighting, the whole nine yards. if you want email me i would love to hear from you.
  15. sweettooth162

    switch over

    i plan on swithing my eel, flame hawk and dottyback over to a "new" 55 gallon tank. it has a back pack protien skimmeron it and 15 lbs of lr currently. but i want to take the lr and argonite from my established tank and put it into the new tank. along with my old filter. (i am only allowed 1...
  16. sweettooth162

    55 galllon fish choices?

    picasso trigger or springers dottyback(it is small but it is the most interesting / beutiful fish you will ever meet) he goes right up to my eel and steels food right from his mouth
  17. sweettooth162

    i want a bigger eel

    i currently have a eel from baja. i do not know what it is called but i know he is pretty cool. i was thinking about getting a 55g tank and getting him a whitemouth eel for a buddy. what do you guys think? or maybe just 2 white mouths. or what is the minimum for a tesselated. gimmi some opions...
  18. sweettooth162

    i want to see the water movin

    i have just started my Fowler tank and was wondering if i could get away with any sessile inverts after the tank cycles. I have your basic lighting nothin fancy. i just wanna know if there is anything that i could have. if not i understand
  19. sweettooth162

    jaw fish and a snowflake?

    in a 29g? well who thinks i am crazy and who thinks it can be done.
  20. sweettooth162

    nice combo of fish

    i just set up my 29 gallon tank and was looking to get a pair of jaw fish. does anyone have any suggestions as to good tankmates?