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  1. hockeyman

    how do i get rid of an aiptasia

    have one that rescently started growing in tank.. what should i do?
  2. hockeyman

    i don't know what this is

    Originally Posted by patandlace Just run a search or do a google search. I'm sure there's a ton of threads on this issue. If it is aiptasia don't just yank it out. Pick up some Joe's Juice or squirt it with boiling water. how would i go about squirting it with joe's juice or boiling water if i...
  3. hockeyman

    i don't know what this is

    ok where is the thread with the pictures?
  4. hockeyman

    i don't know what this is

    the tank was cycled i am not sure if the LR was cured which was most likley the problem. is that plant a bad thing?
  5. hockeyman

    i don't know what this is

    well to start out all my fish died a few weeks ago after adding some LR. but just this week i noticed on my LR there was this odd looking plant that i saw for the first time. today for kicks and giggles i but some brine shrimp in there to see what would happen. and it is pretty much like a...
  6. hockeyman


    now my blenny and clown are dead and my shrimp only survivors are lobseter snail and sever hermit crabs
  7. hockeyman


    yes i have a blenny, damsel and a clarkii clown left but the clown dosn't seem to be eating
  8. hockeyman


    and i'm guessing the air pump is probably another $100 something
  9. hockeyman

    LR can it kill?

    my tank is a 55 gallon
  10. hockeyman


    yes i have to ***** and 2 times their readings were identical to mine
  11. hockeyman


    what do you mean by lfs, sorry i'm new to the aquarium scene
  12. hockeyman


    thank you very much but i am pretty sure it was already cured. i didn't buy it online i bought it from a store where it was already in a tank with other LR and a saddleback Butterfly
  13. hockeyman

    LR can it kill?

    ok and one more question i was wondering if my filters were good enough one is a 60 whisper and the other is a terta 60
  14. hockeyman

    LR can it kill?

    i did i had it tested at ***** 2 times and they said it was all good and i am doing a water change this weekend of probably about 10-15 gallons
  15. hockeyman


    what could it be though it never showed in any tests
  16. hockeyman

    LR can it kill?

    my test kits are 3 months old they are aquarium pharamastiucals brand also my fish seemed to have stoped eating
  17. hockeyman


    my tank is 55 gallon and the fish have been in there ranging from 3 weeks to 3 months also my clarkii clown died this morning
  18. hockeyman


    i bought the belin skimmer for a 60 but it said i needed an air pump with it. do i really because how else will it work?
  19. hockeyman

    LR can it kill?

    well more bad news after this mornig i woke up to find my smaller clarkii clown dead even though he was fine last night. they seem not to be eating. all me levels were 0's (nitrate, nitrite and amonia) my Ph was about 8 and the salanity was 1.022 temp is about 82 degres. there is a weird plant...
  20. hockeyman


    :help: after adding roughly 7.5 lbs of LR my flame angle fish and cardinal died a day apart. now my clown fish are dissappearing and not eating. i tested all levels are 0. Ph is about 8 and salanity is 1.022 what is wrong in my tank?