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  1. fishgirl2

    Is it ich? Terry B and others help please

    thanks for your info on liquid garlic. my problem now is... we think that our yellow tang has some black ich and white ich... it is very faint a couple of black dots and slight discolouration at the sides and forehead and white spot on side fin (sorry don't know all the proper terms) It seems...
  2. fishgirl2

    Kyolic liquid garlic extract

    terry, i read that you suggested this form of garlic for early stages of ich. where would i buy garlic in this form? is it ok to soak the food in minced garlic (without oil in the ingredients)? is one better than the other?
  3. fishgirl2

    newbie needs advice

    sorry it was a blue ring angel...
  4. fishgirl2

    newbie needs advice

    thanks for all your advice. we were very sad to see this beautiful fish die. nobody mentioned whether we should use these products? since we added the new products according to instruction the ph test appears to be showing a darker pinky red colour. so, it looks like the ph is moving up...
  5. fishgirl2

    crimson knob starfish

    i added a crimson knob starfish recently with only having my tank up for 2 months... i have heard some concerns on the forum about adding starfish early in the game. we were told that this starfish is one the hardiest. it seems to be doing ok moving around the tank along the glass and on the...
  6. fishgirl2

    Can I clean out algae in new tank??? New at this

    we were told to use phos-zorb in the filter to eliminate green algae...
  7. fishgirl2

    newbie needs advice

    my lfs said that our new blue fin angel died in 2 days because of a low ph.(ph burn) although, our percula clowns that we added atleast a month prior are still doing fine. so, is the starfish we added the same day as the angel. we have maybe 15 pounds of live rock. when we received the fish i...
  8. fishgirl2

    newbie needs help

    my lfs said that our new blue fin angel died in 2 days because of a low ph.(ph burn) although, our percula clowns that we added atleast a month prior are still doing fine. so, is the starfish we added the same day as the angel. we have maybe 15 pounds of live rock. when we received the fish...
  9. fishgirl2

    ph burn or disease?

    we picked up an angelfish on the weekend that had a white marking near side fin that supposely was a scratch... the fish seemed to be doing great swimming about through the holes in the live rock... but, the white blotching continued to worsten within a day. By this morning the fish looked...
  10. fishgirl2

    Emperor Angel

    we had a a problem with a blue ring angel that was white blotches and he died shortly after they appeared in a smaller tank... the dealer said it was ph burn. you may need to boost your ph with a product. apparently are levels were off and we thought that a rose colouring was correct. but...
  11. fishgirl2

    ph burn or disease?

    we picked up an angelfish on the weekend that had a white marking near side fin that supposely was a scratch... the fish seemed to be doing great swimming about through the holes in the live rock... but, the white blotching continued to worsten within a day. By this morning the fish looked...