newbie needs advice


New Member
my lfs said that our new blue fin angel died in 2 days because of a low ph.(ph burn) although, our percula clowns that we added atleast a month prior are still doing fine. so, is the starfish we added the same day as the angel. we have maybe 15 pounds of live rock. when we received the fish i told my husband that it had a small white blotch behind the side fin. they told him it was a scratch. the next day it had more blotching till the following day when it struggled at the bottom of the tank and died. my lfs told us to use this marine buffer ph 8.3 product and reef builder that raises carbonates. we were already using this kent essential elements. are we being led a stray? what do you think caused the fish to die? should would use these products? please help a newbie.


Sounds like the fish quite possibly had ich. I recommend that the next time you buy a fish you inspect it closely and do not buy it if there is any doubt about it's health. Most lfs's are just trying to make a sale. I have found better luck dealing with larger companies or pet stores for example


Even if they say it's just a scratch you want to have a perfect beautiful fish. Don't rush in just because you want it. And if the lfs new it was ich he wouldn't tell you that. As far as already haveing the clowns...they are very hardy fish so it takes a lot. Hope this helps a little I am definitely not an expert but most of my reasearch right now is going into clownfish. I love the little guys. :cool:
sounds like your fish was sick to begin with and the change from their tank to you probably made it even worse. and like the others said make sure fish is perfect when you buy it.just make sure you ph lvl is good and you ammonia lvl is good cuz the ammonia will burn fish badly. :)


New Member
thanks for all your advice. we were very sad to see this beautiful fish die. nobody mentioned whether we should use these products? since we added the new products according to instruction the ph test appears to be showing a darker pinky red colour. so, it looks like the ph is moving up. does anyone believe that the ph being low could have caused the blue fin angelfish to get a transparenty whitish colour to it in 2 days? do most of you use or have used when you started your tank a product to get your ph where it should be?