Search results

  1. kirkreynolds

    clown fish

    i have two clown fish and the first one seams to bully the other around is this normal?
  2. kirkreynolds

    porcupine puffer

    how big do the porcupine puffer usually get? and would it eat my clown fish?
  3. kirkreynolds

    notty fish

    Can anyone help me with this
  4. kirkreynolds

    notty fish

    i got a shrimp today and it was hanging out in the castle in my tank and that is where my tang always hangs out could he have killed the shrimp it was alive when i left and when i came back it was dead. i aslo have two clown fish and the first one i got is seams to bully the other one around is...
  5. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    all my fish that died were breathing very fast and staying at the bottom not exploring the tank.
  6. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    Also my yellow tang hides everytime i walk by the tank or if he hears a noise are they usually scared?
  7. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    i got a shrimp today and it was hanging out in the castle in my tank and that is where my tang always hangs out could he have killed the shrimp it was alive when i left and when i came back it was dead. i aslo have two clown fish and the first one i got is seams to bully the other one around is...
  8. kirkreynolds

    i need help

    how should i acclimate them? where can i get a good quality water tester instead of dip strips? And how do i know wheither they are eating or not i got all my fish from ***** and they say that they dont feed them the first days and they have no guarantee.
  9. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    how do i acclamite them? where can i get a good water tester? and how do i know if the fish are eating or not? i got all of them from ***** and they say that they dont feed them the fish few days when the fish arrive and they do not have any guarantee.
  10. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    the fish looked like a died fish and i have two perc. clown fish and a yellow tang.
  11. kirkreynolds

    My tank

    The damsels died after a day and the flame angel died that night after i turned off the lights.I acclimate my fish buy floating the bag for ten minutes then adding tank water and repeat this process 3 times and then let them out. i use the quick dip tests and they always read out fine. im not...
  12. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    The damsels died after a day and the flame angel died that night after i turned off the lights.I acclimate my fish buy floating the bag for ten minutes then adding tank water and repeat this process 3 times and then let them out. i use the quick dip tests and they always read out fine. im not...
  13. kirkreynolds

    nothing will live

    Everything i seam to buy and put in my tank dies i just bought a shrimp today and it died in like 2 hours and i've hade damsels and a flame angel that died as well i dont know why everything keeps dieing!
  14. kirkreynolds

    Fish size

    The fish that are sold on this site have sizes like the porcupine puffer is 2 to 3 inches does that mean thats the size they are when you get them or is that the largest they get?