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  1. skull69

    help hermits and there shell

    Red Leg Hermit Crabs do you need to put bigger shells in the tank for them and how often should you if you do. :thinking:
  2. skull69

    Chillers is 86 to high of temp

    hello cross I'm a meatcutter I work in 45deg all day Can't stand the heat my wife works 6pm to 2am so I cool the house down to sleep I even unpluged my heaters in the tank I got it down to about 84
  3. skull69

    Chillers is 86 to high of temp

    Hello ScubaDoo no I don't have a canopy on my tank the lights are 4 96wat pc about 5"s off the tank I did start running a fan into the room keeping it at about 84 now. I can't wait for the chiller to get here they are stressing in this heat. thank for your input I would like to get a canopy for...
  4. skull69

    Chillers is 86 to high of temp

    jamiehag Yes I do have ac but we use a swap cooler most of the year my wife likes it warm in the house so I did order a chiller for it hope it will work good for it said up to 180gal thank you for the reply from Robert
  5. skull69

    Temp question

    Thank you everyone for the info I did order a chiller today :cheer:
  6. skull69

    Temp question

    No I have not yet just started getting hot here 108 at 5 pm I have a 135gal what kind of a chiller can I get cheap I've seen soom for 550 good up to 180 10deg pulldown.
  7. skull69

    Chillers is 86 to high of temp

    Hello everyone now that we are hitting 113 here in AZ my tank is running at 86 is this to high of a temp or do I need to get a chiller for it. Plus how much heat do chillers put off in the room do you need to vent it out doors or not. Thank you for any and all answers you may have :help:
  8. skull69

    Temp question

    :help: Hello everyone now that we are hitting 113 here in AZ my tank is running at 86 is this to high of a temp or do I need to get a chiller for it. Plus how much heat do chillers put off in the room do you need to vent it outdoors or not. Thank you for any and all answers you may have
  9. skull69

    Snails and crabs

    Hello I got my cleaners the other day and I think I need help like 20 of my snails are clumped up on the bottom of my tank and like 15 or so are at the top left corner all in one clump :notsure: I hope they are ok. :help: :needhelp:
  10. skull69

    changing bio

    :help: Is bio balls all that should go in a W/D sump.
  11. skull69

    changing bio

    Hello ThaNgBom Yes I did mean the bio media I did edit my post but it didn't show. My sump didn't come with bio ball it like strips of something I guess I should think about getting bio balls for it. thank you for the info
  12. skull69

    changing bio

    when should you change the bio media in your sump and is there something better than others to use in your sump. Plus I'd like to know if I should put something else in my sump with the bio they do not tell you much about the sump when you buy them on line. It is a CPR 1000
  13. skull69

    copper pipes to house

    I have that copper is bad the pipes to my house are copper will the ro/di take care of this for me.
  14. skull69

    New 135gal reef tank

    Got some crabs and snails for now. There is something live in my tank now. :happy:
  15. skull69

    New 135gal reef tank

    Hello I need to find fish that do will for a newbe and do not eat the coral I would like to have 5 or 6 fish.